Thursday, February 12, 2009

Thursday tempo workout

I was going to do a regular tempo workout (same speed for 40' after my warm up), but due to my IT band problems, I decided I had to start slower, so I did an acceleration workout instead. I also decided I'd do it on the treadmill, in case my leg started hurting - I didn't want to get stuck far from home.

I set the incline at 0.5%, because I figured a slight uphill would do my IT band good. Then I got started. I did 1 mile in 11 min (@ 5.5 mph) for my warm up, and then stopped to stretch and roll my IT bands on the foam roller (another plus of staying at home on the 'mill). Then I got back on and did 10 min at 5.7 mph (HR 142), 10 min at 5.8 mph (HR 150), 10 min at 5.9 mph (HR 155) and 10 min at 6.0 mph (HR 160). Finally, I cooled down at 4-5 mph for 10 minutes, and then stretched it all out really well.

I had no pain, and I've been feeling pretty good today. During the Kindermusik classes w/the kids this morning, I was kneeling a lot and sitting cross-legged, and I did notice my left knee. It's still a bit inflamed. I will be using one of those cool battery-powered dexamethasone (steroid) patches tonight and hopefully that will help.

Now off to make some dinner and get to the Team in Training Kick-Off meeting.

1 comment:

Jenny said...

Wow--seeing your speed on the treadmill makes me realize how truly out of shape I am in and what a speedy speed walker you are! 5.5 is about my fastest. Yikes! Go Tammy! Jen