Thursday, February 19, 2009

Day 24: 40 days 'til 39

How did it get to be day 24 already?

Today we are listing 20 things we like about ourselves and 20 things we'd like to change.

I'll start with the things I'd like to change. These are off the top of my head, and some are pretty frivolous, but hey, it's just a quick list.
1. Be more patient with my kids and less quick to anger.
2. Ditto for my husband.
3. Be more restrained in my evening eating (it's better, but still not the best).
4. Be more eager to do the hard racewalking workouts. I'm always happy I did them, but I dread them sometimes.
5. Be a little more restrained in my spending. I'm pretty good about some areas, but in other areas I lack restraint.
6. Give more generously with the $ I save doing #5.
7. Spend more time with my friends.
8. Read more books.
9. Relax a bit more effectively - I'm still too anxious most of the time.
10. Be more willing to let a few things fall through the cracks so that I can relax and spend more time w/the kids.
11. Not get anxious if I do #10.
12. Give Loren more back massages.
13. Be more grateful for what I have, especially for my good health.
14. Share more of my time and my gifts with others.
15. Be wiser in allocating computer time (it tends to take over).
16. Read the newspaper earlier in the day.
17. I'd still like to lose a little more weight for this walking season. I'm down 2 lb since Christmas but would like to lose at least 5 more.
18. Tell Loren and the kids how much I love them more often.
19. Read more to the kids.
20. Spend more time outside with the kids (I'm just too much of a cold wimp to do it right now... can't wait for summer
21. I know, it was only supposed to be 20, but I'd love to be less self-centered. I'm lame that way...

Things I like about myself:
1. I work hard.
2. I'm organized.
3. I'm loyal to my friends, family, and employers/jobs.
4. I'm determined.
5. I'm responsible.
6. OK, this is shallow and vain (maybe this whole list is?) but I like my hair. It's thick and in good condition. I can't wait to donate it to Locks of Love... soon... in a few months.
7. For the first time in my life, I really do like my body. There are parts that are not perfect, but I am really OK with that!
8. I'm glad I love books and learning.
9. I'm still curious and I like to think deeply.
10. I'm a good mother, for the most part. I love my children and do a lot of interesting things with them.
11. I am a good cook.
12. I'm a good baker.
13. I like to eat (yes, I like this about myself - I think it's good to be able to appreciate food, just in moderation).
14. I like to make a lot of things from scratch: yogurt, soup stock, all kinds of food. I buy very little processed food compared to most Americans, and I do eat very healthy stuff except when I have a chocolate binge!
15. I'm a very fast racewalker - not elite caliber, but still, faster than the average Jane.
16. I'm athletic - for the first time in my life :).
17. I have good abs - also for the first time in my life.
18. I've gotten more adventurous with age and more willing to try new things.
19. I'm not as afraid of change as I used to be.
20. I'm more secure in who I am, and I'm generally a pretty happy person these days.

1 comment:

Hunca Munca said...

OK, I'm a wimp, I did not post my list online. But I did do it. I had many of the same things on my list as you did on yours. I do wish I could have hair like yours. :-)