I walked 3.9 miles in 42:45 and it felt great. I was slow for my heart rate (upper 140s-low 150s) but I didn't care. It was great to be outside. I took a nice flat route from my house to Liberty Park, around the park, and back. Only about 100 ft of elevation change - down to the park, and up on the way back. I took Copper (pictured) with me and she did great! She seems to have recovered really well from her surgery. Hopefully the cancer will take its time in recurring.
It was so enjoyable to be out there. The temperature was 30F (about -1C) and it was clear with no wind. I wore tights, 2 long-sleeve shirts, and gloves, and a hat. I did get a bit tired at the end, and my right hamstring was a little tight (from weights on Friday? not sure about that), so I didn't even mind coming in.
I need to do some planning for training and for what races I'm going to do. It's exciting to be on the way back!
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