Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Not giving up

Today I woke for the 3rd day in a row with that nasty rock in my stomach. Actually, I woke up like 3 times with it. Once at 2:25 because Calvin was crying (a very rare occasion); he had somehow fallen out of his bed despite the fact that we have a bed rail, and had wedged his little self between the head of the bed and the wall. I helped the poor little guy back in bed and comforted him until he settled. Then I took some antacid (is this heartburn? too low for that but, hey, the antacid won't hurt and might help) and went back to bed. At 4 am my 2 cups of tea had gone through me so I got up again, took more antacid, and went back to bed. At 6 am, I finally hauled my behind out of bed and went for my walk. The stomach pain was definitely still there, though better than yesterday. At least I made it through my walk, though I had pain pretty much the whole time. If I wasn't walking, it was going to hurt, so I figured I might as well get the exercise. I have no other symptoms, so I have no idea what this is. The only clue is Michelle being sick on Friday. I surmise that it's some kind of virus and that it will pass.

So, today's walk was just an easy 40 minutes. I'll get back to the hard workouts when I'm feeling decent again, whenever that is.


Harriet said...

Take it easy Tammy. The more you push now, the longer it will take to get back.

There are those who need to be pushed and those who need friends to slow them down. I think that you are in the latter category. :-)

Unknown said...

Kidney stones maybe? I've never had them though, so I don't know what it feels like. If you can get in to see your doctor, I'd get it checked if I were you.

Tammy said...

Thanks for your concern, Sarah & Ollie =). You're right that I try to push too hard sometimes, but really, it's just a stomachache! My husband is an M.D. (though not practicing medicine now) and thinks it's heartburn or maybe a virus. Either way, nothing to keep me from walking as long as it's not too uncomfortable. It's better now than it was this morning, which is good. That happened yesterday too. Maybe tomorrow it will be gone!