Today: easy 20 min to the track, and then 4x400m w/50s rest. I tried to do about 2:15 for 5k race pace, and did 2:16, 2:15, 2:14, and 2:11 (yeah, I went too fast on the last one, just for fun). Then I did an easy 20 min home again. Note about the East High track - they are cleaning it up after filming High School Musical 3 there (at least they did a graduation scene there, and made quite the mess) but there is still a tarp over a 5 meter section of the track. I had to run over that part because if I racewalked it I'd have tripped all over myself. The tarp was all bunched up and definitely a hazard. The photo here is of East High itself, which is across the street from their very nice track/stadium.
Tomorrow I'm doing a local 5K (Murray Fun Days) for the 4th of July. I thought it would be good to see how my training is going and where I'm at. It's a USATF certified course and it's pretty flat. The only factor is going to be the weather - it's been warm. This morning at 6:30 am it was 72 (22C) for my workout, though nice & dry. That's pretty warm, and the race is at 8 am tomorrow. I hope the hot weather doesn't slow me down too much. I really want to do 28:45 or even 28:30 if possible. If it's hot, though, that's not going to happen.
On another note, today I'm avoiding driving - as many days as I can, I'm trying to drive very little or not at all. Yesterday I only drove about 3 miles, because I had to grocery shop and can't possibly fit the kids and all the groceries in the bike trailer. I went to 2 stores to get the best produce prices, and stopped at the post office while I was out. I went to a stores close to the post office to try and save even more on driving. Anyway, today I'm going to bike the kids to the zoo and we'll see what other trouble we can get into.
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