Michelle got a little help with this in her pre-K class. Here's what she told the teacher to write in my card:
"My Mommy & Daddy like to eat spicy peppers, and maybe they like to kiss me and hug me."
"My favorite thing to do with my Mommy is to go to tea parties and eat candies and yummy desserts."
"My Mom likes to be a Mom because she loves me and she hugs me and she thinks I'm cute!"
"My Mom's name is Tammy Tamara Stevenson.""My Mom's favorite colors are pink & purple.""My Mom's favorite food is salad and salad dressing and carrots and lettuce and tomatoes." (That one is my favorite - I must be setting a good example, lol!)
"My Mom loves me because she says I'm cute.""I love my Mom because she gives me hugs & kisses.""After I go to bed my Mommy kiss me & hug me and my Dadd does it too - when they tuck me in."
and written in her handwriting "I Love You Mom"
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