Pete, Kristin, Tammy, Brian
Yesterday I felt great with no soreness at all after my 21-miler, so I decided to go hiking with some friends from church. We hiked the Lambs Canyon trail, starting at Elbow Fork in Millcreek Canyon and going up to the ridge and back. It was 4 miles total, and it took us about 1 hr 45 min. It was quite enjoyable getting out for a hike and some good conversation; nice change of pace from solo racewalking workouts, and good cross-training.
Today I went to my weight training class as usual, and then after class I took the kids to Liberty Park for a walk with the Wasatch Walkers. We did a very easy 3x around the park, and then I took the kids to the playground for an hour. They loved it, and so did I! We came home and did some coloring, laundry, and miscellaneous stuff. Now it's naptime :) which means I can catch up on some other things!
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