The start was pretty congested, as the race is on a narrow paved trail, but after the initial congestion, it was pretty smooth sailing. I felt like I knew my desired pace pretty well.

Here are my splits:
Mile 1 10:02
Mile 2 10:03
Mile 3 9:58
Mile 4 9:23
Mile 5 9:11
Mile 6 9:19
Last 0.2 1:39
Total time 59:35
This is only 10 seconds off my PB from last summer in the Deseret News 10K, which is an all-downhill course. I feel like this is a new PB, in a way, since this course was half uphill. I'm VERY pleased with my time! I'm also pleased with my splits; I did slow a bit in mile 6, but not much. I think I need to work a little more on endurance and I'll be fine for the 10Ks I have planned later this summer.
A special note about some of my teammates: Boyd, age 79, finished in about 1:12 - amazing for a guy his age. I am pretty sure he beat me, age graded. Diane, age 69, was racing with 2 broken ribs from the Ogden Half Marathon 2 weeks ago, and she still finished in about 1:18 (? not sure of the time, but this is within a few minutes). Normally she'd finish in about 1:13 or so. She is one gutsy lady!
Here are a bunch more race photos.