I have had a long break from training, and from a lot more. From the end of July through the beginning of November, I pretty much felt lousy. Dizzy/off-balance, very fatigued, caught at least 4-5 colds/other viruses, and just felt rotten. Went to my family doc, who checked everything and found the same neuropathy I'd had 3 yrs ago when my B12 was low. She referred me to neurology, and when I finally saw them in November, they did an EMG which was totally normal. I still have some neuropathy type symptoms, but they are mild and nothing to worry about apparently. Soooo....still no idea what's wrong. My best guess is chronic fatigue of some type plus stress and viral illness = sick Tammy. I've been feeling pretty good for a few weeks now, though this week I've noticed the fatigue and dizziness a little. Still, I want to racewalk more, so I am cautiously adding in stuff.
Yesterday I did 6K at 6:35/km, which is pretty fast for me lately. Most of my workouts that I've been able to do have been more like 6:45-7:00/km, so 6:35 was good. So today I decided to do a 3K fartlek, even though I know I've been a bit "off" this week. I still want to try and get back to racewalking...carefully. I had to work out at the indoor track because outside there was a light dusting of snow on the track and it was slick. The indoor track is nice & warm anyway :) and it's dark out so late now, so indoor is kinda nice.
I did 5 laps to warm up, with some strides on the last lap. It felt surprisingly OK to walk fast on that last lap. I did some dynamic stretching and then started in on the fartlek. I felt pretty good for 5 laps (2 fast, 2 med, 1 fast) but then the 1 fast, 2 med, 2 fast to end were tougher. My medium effort laps were slow because I'm out of shape, but not as slow as I feared. My fast laps weren't as slow as I thought they'd be either. However, I was ***really*** out of breath and very tired at the end. But hey, I made it, and I was much faster than I expected.
My times (2 laps, 585m) were 3:25.9, 3:49.1, 3:30.6, 3:51.0, and 3:30.1 --- corrected to 500m that is 2:56, 3:16, 3:00, 3:17, 3:00. Total time 18:07, corrected to 18:34 for a full 3K (this was 2926m). That's not so awful. OK, yeah, slow...but of course! I haven't been training. But it's not deathly slow.
3K fartlek data here.
I have gained about 10 lb too, from the recent problems. It's hard to keep weight off when you're chronically overtired and not exercising as much as you are used to. I am trying to take it back off now that I'm feeling better, but it's a slow process. Baby steps.
Wednesday, December 14, 2016
Monday, August 15, 2016
Still not feeling good
I did another 6K today, alternating walk/RW 500m each. I still felt tired, dizzy, and fatigued with heavy legs.
I'm wondering if it's the mystery illness again? My resting HR is running a little higher the last few weeks, maybe 53-55 instead of ~50. But that seems inconsequential?
The fatigue is pretty impressive. I fell asleep at a kids' birthday party on Saturday afternoon - while the kids were noisily playing Bingo.
Nothing I can do except wait it out, and do as much exercise as I can tolerate, for mental health if for nothing else.
Garmin data here.
I'm wondering if it's the mystery illness again? My resting HR is running a little higher the last few weeks, maybe 53-55 instead of ~50. But that seems inconsequential?
The fatigue is pretty impressive. I fell asleep at a kids' birthday party on Saturday afternoon - while the kids were noisily playing Bingo.
Nothing I can do except wait it out, and do as much exercise as I can tolerate, for mental health if for nothing else.
Garmin data here.
Sunday, August 14, 2016
doing what I can
Wednesday: 30 min elliptical wore me out.
Thursday: went to the track, did 1 mile with strides in a ridiculously slow 10:45, felt lousy (weak, dizzy, fatigued, heavy legs) and went home sad :(.
Friday & Saturday: rested from exercise (still went to work, cared for kids, house, etc).
Today: I'm still kinda weak and dizzy with heavy legs, but going stir crazy. Went out and did 6K alternating 500m walk/RW and it felt OK (only 5K on Garmin, long story). Still dizzy, and tired at the end, but it was a gorgeous morning 62F and sunny and I enjoyed it a lot. The dogs did too :). They've been a bit crazy not exercising (no one else takes them out!).
Someday I'll feel better. Until then, trying to keep my spirits up, eat right (!have gained so much weight! UGH!) and get exercise as I'm able.
Tuesday, August 09, 2016
I managed 8K today with Kelly (she was running, and I was RW). I thought I'd feel much better today, but it felt a lot like yesterday. Slow and ugly. I wanted to do 10K, but when I was feeling really lousy at 4K, Kelly and I turned around (she felt crappy too!) and we made it to 8K, which we were really proud of. Sad...but can't change it so have to start where I am.
8K at 6:46/km; ave HR 152.
Hopefully after x-training tomorrow I'll be good for a short track workout on Thursday. Even if I don't feel good, I'll do it, unless I feel terrible, obviously. Got to push myself a little out of my comfort zone.
My hamstring was fine :) in some good news :).
8K at 6:46/km; ave HR 152.
Hopefully after x-training tomorrow I'll be good for a short track workout on Thursday. Even if I don't feel good, I'll do it, unless I feel terrible, obviously. Got to push myself a little out of my comfort zone.
My hamstring was fine :) in some good news :).
Monday, August 08, 2016
still alive... 6K

So I was very sick for about a week because of a tooth, which cracked in half and had to be pulled. Thankful for modern dentistry! I will be getting an implant later, but for now... yeah... I'm missing it. The before pic at top shows the crack - all the way through the tooth (1st molar, on right of photo). The after pic is the meth-head look ;). Sigh...
Then, three days after my tooth was removed, and on my second day back at work after missing three days (I was really, really sick...antibiotics are helping), my daughter broke her arm (radius, distal) AND leg (tibia) roller skating. Both are non-displaced fractures so she won't need surgery, but she cannot go to summer camp and cannot be left alone because she can't get herself around the house. She's wheelchair bound but can't get to the bathroom alone. At least now she can get to the toilet from the wheelchair and back to wheelchair; initially she couldn't even do that much and we had to lift her onto the toilet...oh yay. Plus I've had to sleep with her in the guest room because she can't go up the stairs to her room, and she can't get anything she needs in the middle of the night (pain meds, ice, bathroom, etc.). Sleep is a loose term, since I get about 2-3 hr at most before she needs something. Hopefully that will improve as she continues to have less and less pain. I expect she won't need me at night after a few more days. I hope.

Garmin data here.
Still 3 months until the 30K. I hope I can do it.
Thursday, July 28, 2016
6K + 5x200
This morning I did 6K plus 5x200. Took the dogs for the 6K and the first 200 and then tied them to a tree while I did the remaining 4. They are just NOT into speed work (more on that later).
The 6K felt fine, with my legs feeling a bit fresher than they did yesterday, which isn't surprising considering my activities on Monday (hiking & 10K race!). I did it at 6:32/km with ave HR 145.
Then I started on the 200s. It makes sense to take the dogs with me on the first 200m since then I go back and forth on the street and end up where I tie them up. However, they (especially Powder) really don't like to go fast, especially after 6km. I ended up half dragging Powder down the street - it must have been funny to watch - and only did 1:07 on the first 200m. The others were faster, and I did all 5 in 5:26. I have to get my fast twitch muscles back in gear, because that's pretty sad! But I'm OK with it. It was nice to be out this morning; a bit warm at 23-24C (73-75F) but dry and calm and clear.
My hamstring bothered me a bit at the end of the 6K and especially on the last 50m of each 200. It was all right at work despite some prolonged sitting at the confocal microscope, so I'm not too worried, just noting it. I'm happy that it's continued to improve.
The 6K felt fine, with my legs feeling a bit fresher than they did yesterday, which isn't surprising considering my activities on Monday (hiking & 10K race!). I did it at 6:32/km with ave HR 145.
Then I started on the 200s. It makes sense to take the dogs with me on the first 200m since then I go back and forth on the street and end up where I tie them up. However, they (especially Powder) really don't like to go fast, especially after 6km. I ended up half dragging Powder down the street - it must have been funny to watch - and only did 1:07 on the first 200m. The others were faster, and I did all 5 in 5:26. I have to get my fast twitch muscles back in gear, because that's pretty sad! But I'm OK with it. It was nice to be out this morning; a bit warm at 23-24C (73-75F) but dry and calm and clear.
My hamstring bothered me a bit at the end of the 6K and especially on the last 50m of each 200. It was all right at work despite some prolonged sitting at the confocal microscope, so I'm not too worried, just noting it. I'm happy that it's continued to improve.
Wednesday, July 27, 2016
I'm baaaaack!
Well, after a relaxing vacation and then a 3-day weekend last weekend (including a 10K race that I was ill-prepared for but did anyway (1:03:35....ugh! But what did I expect?)), I feel ready to train again. I wasn't sure I would, but I really do want to do it. My hamstring is MUCH better - 95% of normal I'd guess - and I want to refocus. I'm thinking of doing the national 30K in NY on November 6, and that seems like a reasonable goal, as it's 15 weeks away and though I'm out of shape I've been walking enough that we can ramp up fairly quickly, assuming I continue to feel well.
Speaking of that, I have been a bit fatigued the past week (since returning from vacation) which seems pretty normal, but it seems to be a bit more than I'd expect. Plus I have a nagging toothache, and I got the tooth checked out by the dentist and it's FINE (he's checked twice, including x-rays). It occurred to me this morning that maybe I have some sinusitis going on (!) and that is causing the pain and fatigue. So I made a doctor's appointment for Monday to get it checked out. My dentist is awesome so I really believe there is nothing wrong with the tooth, and it's not unusual for me to have tooth pain with sinusitis, so maybe that's it. A strong decongestant and possibly antibiotics might do the trick?
Anyway, this morning I did a track workout, albeit a short one. East High is done being resurfaced and it is really nice now! Plus it was unlocked!!! YAY!
I did a 1600m warm-up with strides in 10:12, and then some dynamic drills. Guess what? The hamstring one did NOT hurt for the first time since December! WOOHOO! My 3x1km was pretty bad, but 1) I did a whole bunch of hammy PT at the gym yesterday and my legs were still sore, and 2) on Monday I did a 10K race plus a moderately hard hike, so yeah, my legs were feeling it. My times were (ugh!) 5:57.2, 6:03.1, 6:00.8. HR was in upper 160s-low 170s at the end of each of the last two, so I was working hard, but apparently I have no more fast twitch muscles, haha! That'll change. Garmin data here.

Speaking of that, I have been a bit fatigued the past week (since returning from vacation) which seems pretty normal, but it seems to be a bit more than I'd expect. Plus I have a nagging toothache, and I got the tooth checked out by the dentist and it's FINE (he's checked twice, including x-rays). It occurred to me this morning that maybe I have some sinusitis going on (!) and that is causing the pain and fatigue. So I made a doctor's appointment for Monday to get it checked out. My dentist is awesome so I really believe there is nothing wrong with the tooth, and it's not unusual for me to have tooth pain with sinusitis, so maybe that's it. A strong decongestant and possibly antibiotics might do the trick?
Anyway, this morning I did a track workout, albeit a short one. East High is done being resurfaced and it is really nice now! Plus it was unlocked!!! YAY!
I did a 1600m warm-up with strides in 10:12, and then some dynamic drills. Guess what? The hamstring one did NOT hurt for the first time since December! WOOHOO! My 3x1km was pretty bad, but 1) I did a whole bunch of hammy PT at the gym yesterday and my legs were still sore, and 2) on Monday I did a 10K race plus a moderately hard hike, so yeah, my legs were feeling it. My times were (ugh!) 5:57.2, 6:03.1, 6:00.8. HR was in upper 160s-low 170s at the end of each of the last two, so I was working hard, but apparently I have no more fast twitch muscles, haha! That'll change. Garmin data here.

Thursday, June 16, 2016
Soul searching
Saturday, after the PT on Friday, my hammy really hurt. A lot. Like 2-3, maybe 4 at times, while racewalking 8k on the Jordan River Parkway. Ugh. It was terrible. I wanted to do 20K, then realized it was gonna be 10-12K, then had to stop at 8K.
Sunday night I picked up the pianist (and his mom, and two teachers) that we are hosting for the Gina Bachauer Junior Competition this week. Things got busier from there. I did take a rest day on Sunday, but it was busy getting ready for our guests.
Monday morning I went out for 6K, and it felt OK. But I was slow, and tired. Every time I pull my hamstring it shortens up my stride because I get paranoid about hurting it, and then I lose my toe-off, and then I'm really slow. I did 6:37/km. Oh yay.
Tuesday I was supposed to do 8K, but I was up late Monday night for the piano competition opening gala, and I was way too tired to get up and walk. So I didn't. I was angry about the hammy and frustrated and tired.
Wednesday I did the 8K, and it went OK; better than Monday but still sluggish. I did 6:32/km. I was talking with friends Wednesday night and journaling some and realizing that something has to give in my life. I'm too busy and it's not good for me or the kids or Loren or work or RW or anything else. But I don't know what to give up.
Today I was to do a 5K fartlek. I woke up tired with a sore throat and just looked in the mirror and said "I don't have to do this any more. Maybe I need to give competitive racewalking a rest." So I went to the gym and did the elliptical and did my PT - including all of the eccentric exercises. It felt OK during, but later, at work, my hammy hurt annoyingly any time I sat more than 15 minutes.
So, right now I'm thinking that I need to consider carefully whether I need a break or not. I'm thinking a break might help my hamstring to recover, though when I e-mailed my PT about that he said he thought I could continue training, albeit at a reduced volume.
I just don't know what to do.
But hey, at the moment I'm enjoying a Chopin Etude, courtesy of my 13-year-old guest prodigy. That's awesome at least.
Sunday night I picked up the pianist (and his mom, and two teachers) that we are hosting for the Gina Bachauer Junior Competition this week. Things got busier from there. I did take a rest day on Sunday, but it was busy getting ready for our guests.
Monday morning I went out for 6K, and it felt OK. But I was slow, and tired. Every time I pull my hamstring it shortens up my stride because I get paranoid about hurting it, and then I lose my toe-off, and then I'm really slow. I did 6:37/km. Oh yay.
Tuesday I was supposed to do 8K, but I was up late Monday night for the piano competition opening gala, and I was way too tired to get up and walk. So I didn't. I was angry about the hammy and frustrated and tired.
Wednesday I did the 8K, and it went OK; better than Monday but still sluggish. I did 6:32/km. I was talking with friends Wednesday night and journaling some and realizing that something has to give in my life. I'm too busy and it's not good for me or the kids or Loren or work or RW or anything else. But I don't know what to give up.
Today I was to do a 5K fartlek. I woke up tired with a sore throat and just looked in the mirror and said "I don't have to do this any more. Maybe I need to give competitive racewalking a rest." So I went to the gym and did the elliptical and did my PT - including all of the eccentric exercises. It felt OK during, but later, at work, my hammy hurt annoyingly any time I sat more than 15 minutes.
So, right now I'm thinking that I need to consider carefully whether I need a break or not. I'm thinking a break might help my hamstring to recover, though when I e-mailed my PT about that he said he thought I could continue training, albeit at a reduced volume.
I just don't know what to do.
But hey, at the moment I'm enjoying a Chopin Etude, courtesy of my 13-year-old guest prodigy. That's awesome at least.
rest day,
Friday, June 10, 2016
I racewalked today. It went OK. I was slow and cautious because of my hamstring, but it actually didn't hurt too much. Maybe 1-2/10, and mostly 1 with the occasional 2. I guess that's all right. 40:16 for slow 6:44/km with ave HR 142.
Then I had PT, and my PT was dismayed about my tweaking my hammy again :(. But he thought it might not be too bad. He is pushing me to do some more eccentric hamstring exercises daily, even if they hurt a little. The latest research shows that some eccentric load helps tendons heal faster. Seems to make sense. He had me do some exercises and they hurt 2-3/10; the ones that were 3 we stopped before they could get worse. I am feeling OK now, in the afternoon.
I might try a longer walk tomorrow. I don't know. I'm still tired and discouraged and trying to figure things out. I still need to stay in shape, and I still want to RW. But I wonder if I am pushing too hard for something that can't happen right now. My PT and coach don't seem to think so, so maybe I should believe them?
<3 3="" a="" and="" as="" because="" bit="" but="" depending="" did="" diminished="" each="" eccentric="" exercise="" exercises="" for="" good="" he="" hurt="" i="" is="" latest="" loading="" nbsp="" new="" no="" ok="" on="" ones="" p="" pain="" recovery.="" research="" s="" says="" set.="" sharp="" shows="" sign.="" so="" some="" stopped="" tendon="" that="" the="" then="" they="" we="" were="">
Then I had PT, and my PT was dismayed about my tweaking my hammy again :(. But he thought it might not be too bad. He is pushing me to do some more eccentric hamstring exercises daily, even if they hurt a little. The latest research shows that some eccentric load helps tendons heal faster. Seems to make sense. He had me do some exercises and they hurt 2-3/10; the ones that were 3 we stopped before they could get worse. I am feeling OK now, in the afternoon.
I might try a longer walk tomorrow. I don't know. I'm still tired and discouraged and trying to figure things out. I still need to stay in shape, and I still want to RW. But I wonder if I am pushing too hard for something that can't happen right now. My PT and coach don't seem to think so, so maybe I should believe them?
<3 3="" a="" and="" as="" because="" bit="" but="" depending="" did="" diminished="" each="" eccentric="" exercise="" exercises="" for="" good="" he="" hurt="" i="" is="" latest="" loading="" nbsp="" new="" no="" ok="" on="" ones="" p="" pain="" recovery.="" research="" s="" says="" set.="" sharp="" shows="" sign.="" so="" some="" stopped="" tendon="" that="" the="" then="" they="" we="" were="">
Wednesday, June 08, 2016
more problems
First, I should catch up on workouts that I was actually able to do.
Friday: 6K, felt good; 6:25/km with ave HR 147.
Saturday: Was camping with Grace at Wasatch Mountain State Park and did 20K at altitude (1700m instead of my usual 1300m), in heat (started late-ish, and finished at about 10 am...it was 70 and sunny at the end, which I'm not used to), with hills...lots of hills. My legs were toast by 14km and hamstring got very whiny about the hills; 14.5km in I wondered if I should keep going but worked a lot on my posture and the pain didn't increase. Despite all that I managed 6:45/km for 2:15 which seems pretty good for that workout. Had a LOT of muscle soreness afterward - Sunday, and Monday too.
Sunday: rest day.
Monday: was to do 8K with 3x3' at 10K race pace, but my legs were DEAD. So I did 6K and called it good (or terrible, actually). So slow. 6:58/km, with HR only 133, so you can see the problem was my legs. Sigh...
To make matters worse, that afternoon while parking my bike in the garage (biking kids to summer camp these days now that school is out) I tripped over a pile of rocks we had delivered for our backyard, and caught myself poorly, skidding forward on my bad leg. My hamstring screamed in protest, and so did I. It hurt a LOT for 30-45 minutes, despite ice + acetominophen + naproxen. Oh yay.
So, yesterday & today I did elliptical. I did racewalk 3 laps on the indoor track today and it wasn't too awful. It hurt, but not horribly so. My last lap was 1:51 (6:15/km pace) and that felt OK-ish. But sitting at work today has been brutal (had a lot of time on the microscopes, confocal and compound) and I think I need one more day of cross-training. Maybe on Friday I can try 6km again and then Saturday longer assuming the hammy does OK.
I'm really bummed out. I am seriously considering finding a different sport. I have no idea what I'd do but I'm just done with this right now.
Friday: 6K, felt good; 6:25/km with ave HR 147.
Saturday: Was camping with Grace at Wasatch Mountain State Park and did 20K at altitude (1700m instead of my usual 1300m), in heat (started late-ish, and finished at about 10 am...it was 70 and sunny at the end, which I'm not used to), with hills...lots of hills. My legs were toast by 14km and hamstring got very whiny about the hills; 14.5km in I wondered if I should keep going but worked a lot on my posture and the pain didn't increase. Despite all that I managed 6:45/km for 2:15 which seems pretty good for that workout. Had a LOT of muscle soreness afterward - Sunday, and Monday too.
Sunday: rest day.
Monday: was to do 8K with 3x3' at 10K race pace, but my legs were DEAD. So I did 6K and called it good (or terrible, actually). So slow. 6:58/km, with HR only 133, so you can see the problem was my legs. Sigh...
To make matters worse, that afternoon while parking my bike in the garage (biking kids to summer camp these days now that school is out) I tripped over a pile of rocks we had delivered for our backyard, and caught myself poorly, skidding forward on my bad leg. My hamstring screamed in protest, and so did I. It hurt a LOT for 30-45 minutes, despite ice + acetominophen + naproxen. Oh yay.
So, yesterday & today I did elliptical. I did racewalk 3 laps on the indoor track today and it wasn't too awful. It hurt, but not horribly so. My last lap was 1:51 (6:15/km pace) and that felt OK-ish. But sitting at work today has been brutal (had a lot of time on the microscopes, confocal and compound) and I think I need one more day of cross-training. Maybe on Friday I can try 6km again and then Saturday longer assuming the hammy does OK.
I'm really bummed out. I am seriously considering finding a different sport. I have no idea what I'd do but I'm just done with this right now.
long day,
rest day
Tuesday, May 31, 2016
8K w/5x200@85%; 10K kickdown
Yesterday: 8K w/5x200m @85%. Legs felt tired from all the weekend landscaping/home improvement. Got out there anyway and did the workout. Weather was amazing at 13.9C (57F) and calm and clear. Calvin came with me (yay!) and regaled me with snippets of funny YouTube videos. We brought the dogs, but regretted bringing Powder, as she was totally lagging. She did that last time too...I guess she's not a distance dog. We are both so annoyed with her that she might be relegated to casual walks.
Other than that, the walk went well. I did 6:25/km for 51:22 with ave HR 142. Then I did the 200s. Calvin did them too :). I did them a bit harder than 85%. It took me 5:28 to do all 5, which was decent I guess. Calvin did his in 3:59!!! He's getting to be a good runner.
Garmin data here and here.
Today: I woke up with tired legs. I think they were tired from the weekend's yard work/house work plus from yesterday's walk, especially the 200s. I was apprehensive and definitely thinking too much. Calvin volunteered to come along to encourage me; he was worried I'd go too fast for him but I told him that even my fastest would not be a challenge for him and that was true. At least the weather was very, very nice. It was 12.2C (54F) and calm and clear. Perfect.
I started off and my Garmin was off on the first 500m, as it sometimes is. Annoying! It had me down for 3:45 and I am sure it was more like 3:15 pace. No matter. I kept going and though my legs were slow to warm up, I did the first 2.5km in 16:56 (though I'm guessing it was really more like 16:30...darn the track for being closed!). Then next 2.5km was in 15:59, and I wondered how I'd go faster - thought my legs were pretty dead. But I turned off my brain and found another gear. Calvin encouraged me a lot especially on the last 2.5km :) :) :). The next 2.5km was in 15:32 and the last in 15:08. OK, that's kinda slow, but we're starting where we are starting, and that's what came out. I was working SO hard and my HR was 168 at the end, so I was really burning it. Total time was a very slow 63:33 (63:03???? Not sure about that first 500m) but hey, I got it done. Next time it'll be easier.
Hamstring: felt good except afterward I walked the dogs, and Powder stopped suddenly to sniff a dead bird; I fell over and pulled it a bit :( :( :(. It was sore at work but not too awful and I think it'll be OK. I am really annoyed because I made it through the whole weekend of yard work keeping it safe. Oh well.
Garmin data here.
Other than that, the walk went well. I did 6:25/km for 51:22 with ave HR 142. Then I did the 200s. Calvin did them too :). I did them a bit harder than 85%. It took me 5:28 to do all 5, which was decent I guess. Calvin did his in 3:59!!! He's getting to be a good runner.
Garmin data here and here.
Today: I woke up with tired legs. I think they were tired from the weekend's yard work/house work plus from yesterday's walk, especially the 200s. I was apprehensive and definitely thinking too much. Calvin volunteered to come along to encourage me; he was worried I'd go too fast for him but I told him that even my fastest would not be a challenge for him and that was true. At least the weather was very, very nice. It was 12.2C (54F) and calm and clear. Perfect.
I started off and my Garmin was off on the first 500m, as it sometimes is. Annoying! It had me down for 3:45 and I am sure it was more like 3:15 pace. No matter. I kept going and though my legs were slow to warm up, I did the first 2.5km in 16:56 (though I'm guessing it was really more like 16:30...darn the track for being closed!). Then next 2.5km was in 15:59, and I wondered how I'd go faster - thought my legs were pretty dead. But I turned off my brain and found another gear. Calvin encouraged me a lot especially on the last 2.5km :) :) :). The next 2.5km was in 15:32 and the last in 15:08. OK, that's kinda slow, but we're starting where we are starting, and that's what came out. I was working SO hard and my HR was 168 at the end, so I was really burning it. Total time was a very slow 63:33 (63:03???? Not sure about that first 500m) but hey, I got it done. Next time it'll be easier.
Hamstring: felt good except afterward I walked the dogs, and Powder stopped suddenly to sniff a dead bird; I fell over and pulled it a bit :( :( :(. It was sore at work but not too awful and I think it'll be OK. I am really annoyed because I made it through the whole weekend of yard work keeping it safe. Oh well.
Garmin data here.
Saturday, May 28, 2016
6K, 16.5K

Today: 20K was on the agenda, but I knew after yesterday I might not make it, and I was OK with that. This was the only chance I had to do that much yard work, and I took a day off to do it, so...yeah. But I did OK today considering. I made it 16.5km, with the last 6km pretty hilly, and though I stopped pretty frequently it went all right. And yeah, I was slowish, at 6:38/km, but considering how tired my legs were I think that's not bad. They were pretty much toast at 13.5km but I cranked out another 3km so I'm happy with it. Garmin data here. Best of all: NO pain in hamstring! YAY!
And I did more yard work today - no pics from today though.
Thursday, May 26, 2016
5x878m at indoor track
Yesterday: Cross training; elliptical + PT.
Today: Went to the indoor track since the outdoor one is closed for resurfacing. I warmed up for 5 laps (~1500m) and felt horridly sluggish to start and was concerned; also felt a bit nauseated, but that subsided. By the 3rd lap I felt a bit better and was good to go.
I started in on the intervals, and felt OK. I focused a lot on technique, thinking about all that my coach and my PT have been telling me to fix. After the first two intervals went pretty well, I pushed a little harder for the last 3 and was rewarded with slightly increasing speed. This was MUCH better than last week when I slowed down a lot. My intervals were 5:07-5:03 which works out to 5:50-5:45/km. Not fast, but not so awful as it has been, and not too bad for my second speed workout this week. And guess what???? Best of all, NO PAIN!!!!!!!!!!!! :) :) :)
Garmin data here.
Today: Went to the indoor track since the outdoor one is closed for resurfacing. I warmed up for 5 laps (~1500m) and felt horridly sluggish to start and was concerned; also felt a bit nauseated, but that subsided. By the 3rd lap I felt a bit better and was good to go.
I started in on the intervals, and felt OK. I focused a lot on technique, thinking about all that my coach and my PT have been telling me to fix. After the first two intervals went pretty well, I pushed a little harder for the last 3 and was rewarded with slightly increasing speed. This was MUCH better than last week when I slowed down a lot. My intervals were 5:07-5:03 which works out to 5:50-5:45/km. Not fast, but not so awful as it has been, and not too bad for my second speed workout this week. And guess what???? Best of all, NO PAIN!!!!!!!!!!!! :) :) :)
Garmin data here.
Split | Time | Avg HR | Max HR | 878m | 1k equivalent | |
1 | 01:40.8 | 133 | 151 | |||
2 | 01:43.5 | 150 | 151 | |||
3 | 01:42.9 | 153 | 156 | 05:07.2 | 05:49.9 | |
4 | 02:00.1 | 115 | 156 | |||
5 | 01:39.4 | 139 | 154 | |||
6 | 01:44.1 | 155 | 157 | |||
7 | 01:42.1 | 157 | 160 | 05:05.6 | 05:48.1 | |
8 | 02:00.2 | 128 | 160 | |||
9 | 01:40.8 | 140 | 155 | |||
10 | 01:42.3 | 157 | 160 | |||
11 | 01:42.1 | 160 | 162 | 05:05.2 | 05:47.6 | |
12 | 02:00.4 | 126 | 162 | |||
13 | 01:39.9 | 144 | 157 | |||
14 | 01:42.5 | 159 | 161 | |||
15 | 01:41.2 | 163 | 165 | 05:03.6 | 05:45.8 | |
16 | 02:00.4 | 131 | 165 | |||
17 | 01:40.4 | 143 | 161 | |||
18 | 01:43.1 | 160 | 162 | |||
19 | 01:40.3 | 163 | 166 | 05:03.8 | 05:46.0 | |
20 | 02:46.4 | 124 | 166 | |||
Summary | 36:12.7 | 143 | 166 | |||
28:57.4 | (5K equivalent) |
Tuesday, May 24, 2016
8K fartlek
Today was a little too interesting. I planned to go to the track at 6:10am with Calvin. At 6:08, Calvin reported dog poop upstairs. Oh yay! Even better, when I investigated, it was 5 puddles of diarrhea. Even more oh yay! So I got out the carpet cleaner (2 dogs + 2 kids = a necessity), and cleaned up. Of course, by that time it was 6:30 and too late for C to come along. Just as well, since when I arrived at the track I saw this:
The bottom photo has a sign that says "Track Closed For Resurfacing". It needs it badly, but it sure would have been nice if they had given some warning to the public, and I have no idea how long it'll be closed. Oh yay again.
So I went home, and executed plan B. Go to work, start my experiments, then go work out, and go back and finish up. Plus the late-night part where I get to go in tonight because there's more to do.
I ended up at the indoor track by 8:45 am, and did my 8K fartlek: 3 laps hard, then 2 medium/2 hard until lap 27 = 7900.4m. It went about as well as it probably could have, which is the very good news. I was very consistent and paced it better than I thought possible at this point. My splits were pretty good - see below - fasts were 500m equivalent of 2:56-3:00 and mediums were 3:09-3:15, which is lots better than the last couple weeks. Total was 48:27 which works out to 49:03 for the full 8km had I been on the outdoor track, with the typical average HR of 160. I was pushing very hard at the end and it averaged 170 on the last split. Not bad.
Hamstring? Very little pain. Mostly no pain, but some intervals it was 1/10. No foot pain. My legs did get pretty tired but I was able to keep the pace. I'll take it for now. Still slow, but improving.
Time | Cumulative Time | Avg HR | Max HR | 878/585m | 1k/500m equivalent |
1 | 01:40.0 | 01:40.0 | 137 | 153 | ||
2 | 01:44.0 | 03:24.0 | 153 | 156 | ||
3 | 01:43.9 | 05:07.8 | 157 | 159 | 05:07.9 | 05:50.7 |
4 | 01:50.9 | 06:58.7 | 155 | 159 | ||
5 | 01:50.2 | 08:48.9 | 155 | 156 | 03:41.1 | 03:09.0 |
6 | 01:43.9 | 10:33 | 160 | 163 | ||
7 | 01:45.0 | 12:18 | 163 | 164 | 03:28.9 | 02:58.5 |
8 | 01:52.2 | 14:10 | 159 | 162 | ||
9 | 01:53.3 | 16:03 | 155 | 156 | 03:45.5 | 03:12.7 |
10 | 01:43.9 | 17:47 | 160 | 165 | ||
11 | 01:44.6 | 19:32 | 166 | 167 | 03:28.5 | 02:58.2 |
12 | 01:51.9 | 21:24 | 160 | 167 | ||
13 | 01:51.6 | 23:15 | 159 | 161 | 03:43.5 | 03:11.0 |
14 | 01:43.4 | 24:59:00 | 165 | 168 | ||
15 | 01:43.3 | 26:42:00 | 168 | 170 | 03:26.7 | 02:56.7 |
16 | 01:50.2 | 28:32:00 | 159 | 170 | ||
17 | 01:53.0 | 30:25:00 | 162 | 163 | 03:43.2 | 03:10.8 |
18 | 01:44.2 | 32:09:00 | 166 | 170 | ||
19 | 01:45.9 | 33:55:00 | 168 | 170 | 03:30.1 | 02:59.6 |
20 | 01:53.4 | 35:48:00 | 162 | 168 | ||
21 | 01:52.7 | 37:41:00 | 162 | 163 | 03:46.1 | 03:13.2 |
22 | 01:46.4 | 39:28:00 | 166 | 169 | ||
23 | 01:44.3 | 41:12:00 | 169 | 171 | 03:30.7 | 03:00.1 |
24 | 01:53.3 | 43:05:00 | 160 | 169 | ||
25 | 01:54.6 | 45:00:00 | 161 | 163 | 03:47.9 | 03:14.8 |
26 | 01:44.9 | 46:45:00 | 166 | 169 | ||
27 | 01:42.7 | 48:27:00 | 170 | 172 | 03:27.6 | 02:57.4 |
Summary | 48:27:00 | 48:27:00 | 160 | 172 | 49:03:39 |
indoor track,
Monday, May 23, 2016
rest day; 10K w/3x3' @10K race pace
Yesterday: much needed rest day. My hamstring was pretty sore while playing the piano for church; not sure why - maybe because of the PT on Friday? I might eliminate the one exercise I think is the problem and see if that helps. I was SO tired yesterday. Weirdly tired.
Today: I woke up feeling very rested (!), and ready to do today's workout, which was 10K w/3x3' @10K race pace. The weather was lovely, and much nicer than the rain on Saturday! It was 45F (7.2C) and calm and clear, and very beautiful in Liberty Park. The workout went really well, too! Calvin and the dogs joined me and I felt very good on my fast 500s - I have no idea what 10K race pace is these days, but I just went by effort, and those were great. 2:58, 2:53, 2:57, and they didn't feel too hard. My GPS was very off for the first 500m (by probably 20-30 seconds under - had me at 2:48 for easy pace - ummmmm, NOT!) but otherwise seemed fine. Total time was 1:03:57 for 6:24/km with ave HR 145. I like that! I liked even more that my hamstring had mostly ZERO pain and some 1/10 but only on the fast intervals and only part of the time, not the whole interval. Doing better for sure.
I'm taking anti-inflammatories again to try to get the hammy feeling 100%. Hoping it helps, since it was so sore on the weekend.
Today: I woke up feeling very rested (!), and ready to do today's workout, which was 10K w/3x3' @10K race pace. The weather was lovely, and much nicer than the rain on Saturday! It was 45F (7.2C) and calm and clear, and very beautiful in Liberty Park. The workout went really well, too! Calvin and the dogs joined me and I felt very good on my fast 500s - I have no idea what 10K race pace is these days, but I just went by effort, and those were great. 2:58, 2:53, 2:57, and they didn't feel too hard. My GPS was very off for the first 500m (by probably 20-30 seconds under - had me at 2:48 for easy pace - ummmmm, NOT!) but otherwise seemed fine. Total time was 1:03:57 for 6:24/km with ave HR 145. I like that! I liked even more that my hamstring had mostly ZERO pain and some 1/10 but only on the fast intervals and only part of the time, not the whole interval. Doing better for sure.
I'm taking anti-inflammatories again to try to get the hammy feeling 100%. Hoping it helps, since it was so sore on the weekend.
Saturday, May 21, 2016
Yesterday: elliptical and PT. Got new eccentric hamstring exercises. Yay! Hammies are a little sore today but feeling ok.
Today: Coach said 12-15km. It was a very wet morning. Very, very wet. We're in a desert here, so we are a bunch of rain wimps. It started off raining lightly but soon became moderate, steady, soaking rain. Oh yay. It kept that up for my entire workout. When I turned around at 6k (reasoning that I could do 3k more when I got back to the car if I felt OK) the rain was in my face. Yay. I had forgotten my baseball cap and my waterproof jacket, so I was pretty miserable. My injured hamstring started to complain a bit at about 6km, and I double-checked my technique. It never hurt more than 2/10 and was mostly 1-2, but it was still a bit annoying, and between that and the rain, and the fact that I was a bit late (and had to get to work for a bit), I decided 12km would be enough today.
Total time: 1:18:58 for 6:35/km with ave HR 148.

Total time: 1:18:58 for 6:35/km with ave HR 148.
Thursday, May 19, 2016
I woke up late with a start, after a series of bad dreams. Then I was quite apprehensive about going to the track. I made myself stop thinking about it and went anyway. The weather was great and only a bit windy, with nice temps in the mid-50s.
The workout started well but I guess I went too fast on the first one because I couldn't hold it. I was hoping I'd do better, but I think I'm still a bit tired from the weekend? Or I just suck right now. Either way, it wasn't good. I'll keep trying. See below.
My hamstring hurt about 1/10, mostly in the last two intervals, but not too bad. Foot was fine.
Garmin data here.
The workout started well but I guess I went too fast on the first one because I couldn't hold it. I was hoping I'd do better, but I think I'm still a bit tired from the weekend? Or I just suck right now. Either way, it wasn't good. I'll keep trying. See below.
My hamstring hurt about 1/10, mostly in the last two intervals, but not too bad. Foot was fine.
Garmin data here.
Time | Cumulative Time | Avg HR | Max HR | Total for 1km |
1 | 02:52.9 | 02:52.9 | 151 | 160 | |
2 | 02:55.9 | 05:48.8 | 163 | 167 | 05:48.8 |
3 | 01:59.4 | 07:48.1 | 132 | 167 | |
4 | 02:54.1 | 10:42 | 156 | 166 | |
5 | 02:57.3 | 13:39 | 167 | 171 | 05:51.4 |
6 | 02:00.6 | 15:40 | 139 | 172 | |
7 | 02:55.9 | 18:36 | 159 | 168 | |
8 | 02:58.4 | 21:34 | 169 | 174 | 05:54.3 |
9 | 02:00.4 | 23:35 | 143 | 174 | |
10 | 02:59.9 | 26:35:00 | 159 | 168 | |
11 | 02:58.3 | 29:33:00 | 170 | 175 | 05:58.2 |
Summary | 29:33:00 | 29:33:00 | 156 | 175 |
Wednesday, May 18, 2016
15K national championships
As you might expect, given my lack of conditioning, I was slow. But I didn't think I'd be *THIS* slow. I figured I could at least manage 6:25/km. Nope. About 8km in I was hurting, and slow, and chafing, and I started to cry when Karen S (>60yo, very fast, but still...much older than me) passed me...and I couldn't see Marianne M (>65yo, also very fast) either. Neither of them has ever beaten me before. I could hardly breathe for a while because I was crying while walking :(. I mean, I should have known, but it was just hard to see how truly awful I've become.
Coach assures me that with speed work more regularly and longer, that in 3-4 months I'll be better. That's a long time. Not good enough to make plans for Perth WMA, so I'm probably not going. Better to save $ for Spain in 2018 and take the family with me, since the kids are learning Spanish in school (dual immersion program).
The nice thing about the 15K was the girlfriends' weekend (though poor Diane was very, very sick and we had to take her to the ER on the way down; she's doing better now and will be OK), getting away and relaxing, seeing RW friends, and best of all, walking a lap with some very good American racewalkers from the past - Curt Clausen and Susan Armenta. That was pretty fun - I even have pics of me with them. If I'd been in shape I could've kept up with them easily and that would've been even more fun, but as it was, I couldn't hold even that pace.
The other good thing? Hammy and foot didn't bother me much; pain at most 1/10.
My time was about 1:38:12. Ughhhhh. I was 7th overall so didn't even get an open medal (they give them for 1-6). I did get first in my age group, but I was the only one...geez.... :(
Monday - rest day after the race; drove all the way home. Hammy didn't like that, but after a night's sleep it recovered.
Tuesday - 6K easy with Calvin and the dogs, in ~39:15 (watch was waaaay off the first 500m so this is a guesstimate) for 6:32/km. Not too bad. Nothing hurt much; hammy a little sore at times, but mostly 0-1/10.
Today - elliptical and PT exercises.
Coach assures me that with speed work more regularly and longer, that in 3-4 months I'll be better. That's a long time. Not good enough to make plans for Perth WMA, so I'm probably not going. Better to save $ for Spain in 2018 and take the family with me, since the kids are learning Spanish in school (dual immersion program).
The nice thing about the 15K was the girlfriends' weekend (though poor Diane was very, very sick and we had to take her to the ER on the way down; she's doing better now and will be OK), getting away and relaxing, seeing RW friends, and best of all, walking a lap with some very good American racewalkers from the past - Curt Clausen and Susan Armenta. That was pretty fun - I even have pics of me with them. If I'd been in shape I could've kept up with them easily and that would've been even more fun, but as it was, I couldn't hold even that pace.
The other good thing? Hammy and foot didn't bother me much; pain at most 1/10.
My time was about 1:38:12. Ughhhhh. I was 7th overall so didn't even get an open medal (they give them for 1-6). I did get first in my age group, but I was the only one...geez.... :(
Monday - rest day after the race; drove all the way home. Hammy didn't like that, but after a night's sleep it recovered.
Tuesday - 6K easy with Calvin and the dogs, in ~39:15 (watch was waaaay off the first 500m so this is a guesstimate) for 6:32/km. Not too bad. Nothing hurt much; hammy a little sore at times, but mostly 0-1/10.
Today - elliptical and PT exercises.
rest day
Thursday, May 12, 2016
4x878m @85% effort (indoor track)
Yesterday: elliptical, PT exercises.
Today: warm-up, a few PT exercises (light), then 4x878m at the indoor track. I didn't go early this morning because I was up too late reading and needed to help the kids with some stuff and do laundry this morning before work. So I went at lunch time instead, which was fine.
I pushed a little harder then 85% and was still very slow :(, slower than a couple weeks ago when I did this workout :(. But...it's data, and I'm just getting started. Don't think. Just do it. Or something like that.
Intervals were 5:07.6 (5:50.3 for 1km), 5:08.7 (5:51.6), 5:11.1 (5:54.3), 5:12.3 (5:55.7). The good part about the workout was that my foot didn't hurt and my hamstring hurt only a little, at 1/10. Afterward the hammy bothered me a little but is better now. I'm happy about that! Gotta take the little victories where I can.
Garmin data here.
Today: warm-up, a few PT exercises (light), then 4x878m at the indoor track. I didn't go early this morning because I was up too late reading and needed to help the kids with some stuff and do laundry this morning before work. So I went at lunch time instead, which was fine.
I pushed a little harder then 85% and was still very slow :(, slower than a couple weeks ago when I did this workout :(. But...it's data, and I'm just getting started. Don't think. Just do it. Or something like that.
Intervals were 5:07.6 (5:50.3 for 1km), 5:08.7 (5:51.6), 5:11.1 (5:54.3), 5:12.3 (5:55.7). The good part about the workout was that my foot didn't hurt and my hamstring hurt only a little, at 1/10. Afterward the hammy bothered me a little but is better now. I'm happy about that! Gotta take the little victories where I can.
Garmin data here.
Tuesday, May 10, 2016
8K fartlek
Today Jim gave me an 8K fartlek. I went into it trying not to think about the fact that I did 10K yesterday, or that my hamstring was a little sore, or that my stomach was a bit upset. I succeeded in not thinking too much :). Part of that was that I allowed myself to listen to music, which I don't usually do in my outdoor workouts, even ones at the track. I mean, I can't listen to music at a race, so why get in the habit? But I felt I needed a distraction, so I brought my headphones.
I did 1600m of warm-up with strides, did some PT exercises and some dynamic drills, and then got started. The weather was exceptionally calm (NO wind - and this track always has wind, well a breeze at least!) and cool at 6.1C (43F). It was pretty nice, actually, and that helped a lot.
I talked myself through the first 1km thinking "data" and "getting stronger", meaning that I shouldn't judge my times, just regard them as data for now because I'm just trying to get stronger. And to my surprise, I was better than last week by 45 seconds. OK, it was still pathetically slow, BUT that doesn't matter right now. The last 3km my legs were tired, but the most important thing then was watching my technique like a hawk so I wouldn't injure myself. I was SO careful! My hamstring was a bit tender at points, 1-2/10, but not bad, and it has hurt a bit since, but again, not anything to get alarmed over, and tomorrow is a cross-training day. My foot didn't bother me at all. So, I'm happy about that. The times will come, at least that is what I'm telling myself, even if I'm not sure I believe it.
Total: 50:05 with ave HR 158 (though my HR monitor was moving around a lot and the readings don't look right; I suspect it may have been a bit higher?).
Edited to add: had terrible, terrible intestinal issues afterward that have persisted ALL. DAY. LONG. Left work early because I felt too ill to do anything properly, and was thankful for my undergrad who picked up some things that I really HAD to get done. I wonder if I have some sort of stomach bug?
I did 1600m of warm-up with strides, did some PT exercises and some dynamic drills, and then got started. The weather was exceptionally calm (NO wind - and this track always has wind, well a breeze at least!) and cool at 6.1C (43F). It was pretty nice, actually, and that helped a lot.
I talked myself through the first 1km thinking "data" and "getting stronger", meaning that I shouldn't judge my times, just regard them as data for now because I'm just trying to get stronger. And to my surprise, I was better than last week by 45 seconds. OK, it was still pathetically slow, BUT that doesn't matter right now. The last 3km my legs were tired, but the most important thing then was watching my technique like a hawk so I wouldn't injure myself. I was SO careful! My hamstring was a bit tender at points, 1-2/10, but not bad, and it has hurt a bit since, but again, not anything to get alarmed over, and tomorrow is a cross-training day. My foot didn't bother me at all. So, I'm happy about that. The times will come, at least that is what I'm telling myself, even if I'm not sure I believe it.
Total: 50:05 with ave HR 158 (though my HR monitor was moving around a lot and the readings don't look right; I suspect it may have been a bit higher?).
Edited to add: had terrible, terrible intestinal issues afterward that have persisted ALL. DAY. LONG. Left work early because I felt too ill to do anything properly, and was thankful for my undergrad who picked up some things that I really HAD to get done. I wonder if I have some sort of stomach bug?
split | time | cumulative | ave HR | max HR |
1 | 02:57.2 | 02:57.2 | 146 | 157 |
2 | 02:59.9 | 05:57.0 | 159 | 163 |
3 | 03:11.4 | 09:08.4 | 157 | 165 |
4 | 03:00.7 | 12:09 | 160 | 166 |
5 | 03:13.7 | 15:23 | 155 | 162 |
6 | 03:03.2 | 18:26 | 158 | 164 |
7 | 03:13.1 | 21:39 | 155 | 163 |
8 | 03:01.1 | 24:40:00 | 158 | 165 |
9 | 03:15.6 | 27:56:00 | 157 | 161 |
10 | 03:01.9 | 30:58:00 | 161 | 167 |
11 | 03:18.0 | 34:16:00 | 159 | 164 |
12 | 03:05.4 | 37:21:00 | 158 | 166 |
13 | 03:18.5 | 40:39:00 | 162 | 167 |
14 | 03:05.5 | 43:45:00 | 160 | 167 |
15 | 03:18.1 | 47:03:00 | 162 | 165 |
16 | 03:02.2 | 50:05:00 | 163 | 168 |
Summary | 50:05:00 | 50:05:00 | 158 | 168 |
Monday, May 09, 2016
Yesterday: rest day.
Today: 10K. Took Calvin and the dogs and enjoyed a beautiful morning; the streets were wet from last night's rain and it was very humid (foggy in Liberty Park - it was cool - the fog was low to the ground, up to about 3-5 ft high) but comfortable at 11.1C (52F).
It was a pretty routine 10K. I like the sound of that! My hamstring bugged me a little bit, pain 1/10, and my foot didn't hurt at all until the last km when it was a little sore (1/10). My legs were a little tired (not sure why, as I rested a lot yesterday!), but considering that I wasn't too awfully slow. I did 6:34/km for 1:05:47 with ave HR 145.
Afterward I did PT exercises.
Today: 10K. Took Calvin and the dogs and enjoyed a beautiful morning; the streets were wet from last night's rain and it was very humid (foggy in Liberty Park - it was cool - the fog was low to the ground, up to about 3-5 ft high) but comfortable at 11.1C (52F).
It was a pretty routine 10K. I like the sound of that! My hamstring bugged me a little bit, pain 1/10, and my foot didn't hurt at all until the last km when it was a little sore (1/10). My legs were a little tired (not sure why, as I rested a lot yesterday!), but considering that I wasn't too awfully slow. I did 6:34/km for 1:05:47 with ave HR 145.
Afterward I did PT exercises.
Saturday, May 07, 2016
cross-training; 20K
Yesterday: elliptical, PT. PT: more Graston (ouch! but good) on foot, hammy exercises.
Today: 20K. Kelly did 5K with me, and Calvin rode his bike. Then for 5K-16K Calvin ran with me, but he did 10K plus a bathroom stop during which I did 1K :). Then I did the last 4K alone, and did well. Hammy: pain minimal, at most 1/10! Foot: NO PAIN!!! Yay!!! I was still slow but not too bad. Getting a bit better.
5K splits: 32:34, 33:09, 33:13, 32:53. 6:35/km for 2:11:50 total. Now I just have to get 13-14 min faster by October :). I think that's possible. I should improve rapidly now that I can train again :) :) :).
Garmin data here.
Today: 20K. Kelly did 5K with me, and Calvin rode his bike. Then for 5K-16K Calvin ran with me, but he did 10K plus a bathroom stop during which I did 1K :). Then I did the last 4K alone, and did well. Hammy: pain minimal, at most 1/10! Foot: NO PAIN!!! Yay!!! I was still slow but not too bad. Getting a bit better.
5K splits: 32:34, 33:09, 33:13, 32:53. 6:35/km for 2:11:50 total. Now I just have to get 13-14 min faster by October :). I think that's possible. I should improve rapidly now that I can train again :) :) :).
Garmin data here.
Thursday, May 05, 2016
Today I had an easy 8K to recover from my 8K fartlek yesterday. That was good; my legs were tired!
I tried not to worry about the time. Yes, I was slow. BUT my foot felt fine and my hamstring had pain of just 1-2/10, the usual. It's still a bit more tender today (and was tender yesterday afternoon) since the speed work, but it's within a reasonable tolerance and I'm not concerned.
Calvin and Sugar came along, and so the conversation was lively (think 11-yo topics, though!) and the weather was sooooo nice at 17.8C (64F!). There's a storm coming so it'll cool off, but for today it was super.
Total time 53:35 for 6:42/km with ave HR 142.
I tried not to worry about the time. Yes, I was slow. BUT my foot felt fine and my hamstring had pain of just 1-2/10, the usual. It's still a bit more tender today (and was tender yesterday afternoon) since the speed work, but it's within a reasonable tolerance and I'm not concerned.
Calvin and Sugar came along, and so the conversation was lively (think 11-yo topics, though!) and the weather was sooooo nice at 17.8C (64F!). There's a storm coming so it'll cool off, but for today it was super.
Total time 53:35 for 6:42/km with ave HR 142.
Wednesday, May 04, 2016
8K fartlek
It wasn't fast. In fact, it may be my slowest 8K fartlek ever. But honestly, this was one of the hardest workouts I've done, and I didn't quit, and I'm very proud of it. The last few km my legs and lungs were really tired, but I just made myself keep going. Average HR was 160, which is a very solid effort for this workout, so you can see I was working hard. I paced myself pretty well too.
I'm proud of it because 1) I didn't think too much. I just went out and did it. 2) I didn't quit even though my times were terrible. 3) I didn't beat myself up because my times were terrible. I told myself that it was just a starting place. 4) I was happy to be out there because the weather was good, and my injuries were not bothering me. 5) That makes me really a BAM today. Remember, Kelly calls me Tam-bam :), and I told myself I was a BAM and that I was gonna get through this one no matter what. 6) My pacing was good; I did slow down but not a lot. I had something left for a good hard push on the last 500m.
Weather: lovely. 12.2C (54F) with a slight breeze. I was happy to be at the outdoor track again.
Injury update: foot did fine; it was a bit warm-ish but I focused on keeping my toes turned out a bit (the remedy 5 years ago) and that did the trick. Hamstring was a bit more nagging than earlier in the week; the pain was mostly 1 with some 2/10. Now, later in the day, with sitting it's bothering me, but it's not terrible. I worked VERY hard to focus on my technique and keep it good, though I'm sure it wasn't perfect when I got tired (but I focused harder on it when I was tired, so I was trying as hard as I could to keep it solid).
Here are the (very slow) numbers, and Garmin data is here:
I'm proud of it because 1) I didn't think too much. I just went out and did it. 2) I didn't quit even though my times were terrible. 3) I didn't beat myself up because my times were terrible. I told myself that it was just a starting place. 4) I was happy to be out there because the weather was good, and my injuries were not bothering me. 5) That makes me really a BAM today. Remember, Kelly calls me Tam-bam :), and I told myself I was a BAM and that I was gonna get through this one no matter what. 6) My pacing was good; I did slow down but not a lot. I had something left for a good hard push on the last 500m.
Weather: lovely. 12.2C (54F) with a slight breeze. I was happy to be at the outdoor track again.
Injury update: foot did fine; it was a bit warm-ish but I focused on keeping my toes turned out a bit (the remedy 5 years ago) and that did the trick. Hamstring was a bit more nagging than earlier in the week; the pain was mostly 1 with some 2/10. Now, later in the day, with sitting it's bothering me, but it's not terrible. I worked VERY hard to focus on my technique and keep it good, though I'm sure it wasn't perfect when I got tired (but I focused harder on it when I was tired, so I was trying as hard as I could to keep it solid).
Here are the (very slow) numbers, and Garmin data is here:
split | time | cumulative | ave HR | max HR |
1 | 02:57.6 | 02:57.6 | 147 | 155 |
2 | 03:02.1 | 05:59.8 | 158 | 161 |
3 | 03:12.6 | 09:12.3 | 156 | 160 |
4 | 03:01.6 | 12:14 | 161 | 164 |
5 | 03:18.3 | 15:32 | 156 | 162 |
6 | 03:02.5 | 18:35 | 162 | 165 |
7 | 03:19.4 | 21:54 | 157 | 163 |
8 | 03:03.7 | 24:58:00 | 162 | 165 |
9 | 03:19.3 | 28:17:00 | 160 | 165 |
10 | 03:05.9 | 31:23:00 | 163 | 166 |
11 | 03:20.9 | 34:44:00 | 161 | 166 |
12 | 03:06.6 | 37:50:00 | 164 | 167 |
13 | 03:21.9 | 41:12:00 | 161 | 166 |
14 | 03:06.3 | 44:19:00 | 165 | 168 |
15 | 03:24.4 | 47:43:00 | 162 | 167 |
16 | 03:06.3 | 50:49:00 | 166 | 169 |
Summary | 50:49:00 | 50:49:00 | 160 | 169 |
Tuesday, May 03, 2016
5K "race", rest day, 8K, cross-training
Saturday: 5K "race" with Calvin - racewalked over to SugarHouse park for the U of U Burn Camp 5K to raise $ for kids with burns to attend summer camp. Calvin was awesome and set a new 5K PR on this hilly course: 23:39! Fast little dude! I walked the dogs, slowly, stopping to pick up a pile that Powder deposited, and stopping another time because she stopped suddenly causing me to tweak my hamstring (it's fine, but I was scared for a bit). My 5K time was about 32:37-ish (~6:30/km) which for a hilly course isn't bad given my current lack of fitness. My foot was hurting a bit before and during but less during and after...typical for tendonitis. Garmin data here. Total distance ~7.5km, and then we walked (slowly, casual walking) home.
Sunday: took a much-needed rest day.
Monday: 6K easy to test out the foot. It felt much better than Saturday, and was merely warm-ish with a slight bit of pain 1/10. My hamstring was likewise mostly not painful but some 1/10 pain. Things seem to be improving. Did the 6K in 39:30 for 6:35/km despite a ridiculously strong wind.
Today: elliptical, which felt fine. Am taking naproxen again to help with the inflammation. Am hoping to do a fartlek tomorrow.
Sunday: took a much-needed rest day.
Monday: 6K easy to test out the foot. It felt much better than Saturday, and was merely warm-ish with a slight bit of pain 1/10. My hamstring was likewise mostly not painful but some 1/10 pain. Things seem to be improving. Did the 6K in 39:30 for 6:35/km despite a ridiculously strong wind.
Today: elliptical, which felt fine. Am taking naproxen again to help with the inflammation. Am hoping to do a fartlek tomorrow.
Friday, April 29, 2016
foot problems; trying to figure things out
Wednesday afternoon: tweaked my foot walking around. Same foot problem I had about 5 years ago, peroneus longus tendonitis at the insertion of the first metatarsal; basically, some pain in the medial side of my foot about midway between heel and toes. Oh yay. I didn't think much of it at the time and didn't even mention it to my coach because I figured it'd feel better in the morning. That was dumb, since it had been bugging me a bit on and off since the Tuesday after the Salt Lake Half Marathon. Just a little pain here and there, nothing serious, mind you, but bugging me all the same.
Yesterday: I was supposed to do a 5K fartlek. Nope. My foot hurt a lot. I drove to the track anyway, and it was raining a bit, and VERY windy. Ridiculously windy. I walked up the steps to the track, and realized I was being very stupid, so I turned around and got back in my car and was quite sad and grousing to myself. Seems like lately it is always something - hamstring getting better, now the foot, and the rain, and the wind, and...
I skipped the workout, went to my PT appointment early and did some elliptical there, plus a whole lot of PT for my foot and some for my hamstring. My PT did the Graston tools on my leg and foot (OUCH!!!!! but good...), and that seems to have helped. It's better today.
Today: I went to the indoor track and did a couple laps. My foot felt OK but my legs were just heavy and dead. I bailed and did the elliptical instead.
It's very hard right now to get over the hump of being injured and not being able to do what I want. I'm afraid to push too hard, yet feel I need to. My PT wants me to back off a bit, though. I want to go to Perth, but more and more it's looking like I'm not going to be able to get into shape. Part of it is real physical limitations right now, but part of it is mental. I can't seem to get myself back in the mental groove to really, really want this. I think a lot of that is that when you have repetitive instances of workouts that are very difficult and feel horrible that it's hard to get motivated to even try them again, and then my real physical limitations crop up and make it worse. It's a vicious cycle and I can't seem to get out.
Otherwise, life is going pretty well, so I am grateful for that, and it makes me feel like putting this all on hold until I can heal up properly might be the right decision? I don't know. Just thinking aloud.
Yesterday: I was supposed to do a 5K fartlek. Nope. My foot hurt a lot. I drove to the track anyway, and it was raining a bit, and VERY windy. Ridiculously windy. I walked up the steps to the track, and realized I was being very stupid, so I turned around and got back in my car and was quite sad and grousing to myself. Seems like lately it is always something - hamstring getting better, now the foot, and the rain, and the wind, and...
I skipped the workout, went to my PT appointment early and did some elliptical there, plus a whole lot of PT for my foot and some for my hamstring. My PT did the Graston tools on my leg and foot (OUCH!!!!! but good...), and that seems to have helped. It's better today.
Today: I went to the indoor track and did a couple laps. My foot felt OK but my legs were just heavy and dead. I bailed and did the elliptical instead.
It's very hard right now to get over the hump of being injured and not being able to do what I want. I'm afraid to push too hard, yet feel I need to. My PT wants me to back off a bit, though. I want to go to Perth, but more and more it's looking like I'm not going to be able to get into shape. Part of it is real physical limitations right now, but part of it is mental. I can't seem to get myself back in the mental groove to really, really want this. I think a lot of that is that when you have repetitive instances of workouts that are very difficult and feel horrible that it's hard to get motivated to even try them again, and then my real physical limitations crop up and make it worse. It's a vicious cycle and I can't seem to get out.
Otherwise, life is going pretty well, so I am grateful for that, and it makes me feel like putting this all on hold until I can heal up properly might be the right decision? I don't know. Just thinking aloud.
Wednesday, April 27, 2016
8K no pain :)
I was grumpy and woke up late. Still tired from the trip and the time change. BUT...all that being said, I had a good walk. NO PAIN! YAY! I would've been faster but the dogs were kind of a pain this morning - because I was later, there was a bit more traffic and more kids and dogs near the elementary schools I walk by, and I had to keep correcting the dogs. Otherwise, it was good, and I'm happy I got out. The weather (after much much much rain the past couple days) was nice this morning, though it's supposed to rain again this afternoon. It was 7.8C (46F) and calm and clear.
I did the 8K at 6:34/km with ave HR 145; total time 52:35. Good enough.
Garmin data here.
I did the 8K at 6:34/km with ave HR 145; total time 52:35. Good enough.
Garmin data here.
Tuesday, April 26, 2016
4x1km @85% effort
I rested Sunday & Monday - long weekend trip, getting older, not bouncing back as well, I guess. Rest days were good :).
Today I opted for the indoor track because of the cold rain (about 6C with steady rainfall - ugh). I warmed up well (5 laps) then did 4x878m @ 85% effort (3 laps each). It went well! I did them in 5:04.7 (5:47.1 for 1km), 5:05.3 (5:47.8/km), 5:06.6 (5:49.3/km), and 5:09.5 (5:52.6/km), at a true 85% effort; comfortably hard. My hamstring did well, hurting 1/10 at most.
This week we'll do 2 speed sessions :) and that was a good start. Not fast, but hey, starting somewhere.
3K fartlek - last Thursday
This is a leftover post from last week ---
On Thursday I did a 3K fartlek at the outdoor track (! it was unlocked!). But...sadly, the workout was terrible. I was really slow, felt like sludge, and my HR was low. Just one of those bad workout days. I was supposed to do 5K but quit at 3K, at 18:25 (!so slow!). HR was only 158.
On Thursday I did a 3K fartlek at the outdoor track (! it was unlocked!). But...sadly, the workout was terrible. I was really slow, felt like sludge, and my HR was low. Just one of those bad workout days. I was supposed to do 5K but quit at 3K, at 18:25 (!so slow!). HR was only 158.
Saturday, April 23, 2016
16K in Dana Point
Yesterday: elliptical/bike at hotel (the recumbent bike was NOT hamstring-friendly, so only did about 7-8 min on it) and LOTS of PT exercises. Calf raises, hip hikes, monster walks with band, planks on all sides, bridges, and NEW unweighted one-legged hamstring dead lifts (eccentric, gently --- if any pain I am to NOT do them, but it felt fine).
Kelly's wedding was great! See pics on Facebook...
Today: 16K along the beach and up a giant hill with Calvin - 8K with Calvin, then 8K alone. Including the giant hill (91 floors on my fitbit! elevation gain 195m on Garmin) I did 6:35/km for the 16K, which is very good IMO. Better yet, pain was mostly ZERO with 1/10 for the last 3-4km. HA! Happy with that. Weather was incredible - in the 50s (12.8C) and with a gentle ocean breeze. Rough life here.
Garmin data here.
Kelly's wedding was great! See pics on Facebook...
Today: 16K along the beach and up a giant hill with Calvin - 8K with Calvin, then 8K alone. Including the giant hill (91 floors on my fitbit! elevation gain 195m on Garmin) I did 6:35/km for the 16K, which is very good IMO. Better yet, pain was mostly ZERO with 1/10 for the last 3-4km. HA! Happy with that. Weather was incredible - in the 50s (12.8C) and with a gentle ocean breeze. Rough life here.
Garmin data here.
Wednesday, April 20, 2016
cross-training; 8km with 3x3' bursts
Yesterday: elliptical and LOTS of PT exercises, on my own, at the gym.
Today: 8K with 3x3' bursts. Hamstring was a bit more sore today than it has been, but it wasn't terrible or anything. I think it's fine; it was just a 2/10 during some of the bursts and 1/10 otherwise.
My legs were tired. I wonder if it was the PT? But they weren't dead. Still, my 500s were way slow... 3' fast was 2:56 (OK), 3:01 (ugh) and 3:06 (really ugh). Oh well. I'm getting better slowly. Progress is incremental and all that.
Weather was great :) 9C and sunny with a breeze. Company (Calvin and dogs) was nice too :).
51:53 for the 8K (6:29/km) w/ave HR 147.
Today: 8K with 3x3' bursts. Hamstring was a bit more sore today than it has been, but it wasn't terrible or anything. I think it's fine; it was just a 2/10 during some of the bursts and 1/10 otherwise.
My legs were tired. I wonder if it was the PT? But they weren't dead. Still, my 500s were way slow... 3' fast was 2:56 (OK), 3:01 (ugh) and 3:06 (really ugh). Oh well. I'm getting better slowly. Progress is incremental and all that.
Weather was great :) 9C and sunny with a breeze. Company (Calvin and dogs) was nice too :).
51:53 for the 8K (6:29/km) w/ave HR 147.
Monday, April 18, 2016
rest day; 6K
Yesterday: rest day, though I did walk about 5K casually (not RW) to a baby shower and back home (2.5k each way).
Today: 6K with Powder and Sugar; very uneventful. I felt good :) and though my muscles are pretty sore (were more sore yesterday!!!) I did fine, and was even a bit faster than I have been. Weather was lovely at 8C (46F), though quite windy (slowed me down a bit at some points).
38:26 for the 6K for 6:25/km with ave HR 143. Pain level was 0-1/10 :). Hamstring feeling good. Definitely on the mend, as long as I don't do something else stupid to hurt it.
Garmin data here.
Today: 6K with Powder and Sugar; very uneventful. I felt good :) and though my muscles are pretty sore (were more sore yesterday!!!) I did fine, and was even a bit faster than I have been. Weather was lovely at 8C (46F), though quite windy (slowed me down a bit at some points).
38:26 for the 6K for 6:25/km with ave HR 143. Pain level was 0-1/10 :). Hamstring feeling good. Definitely on the mend, as long as I don't do something else stupid to hurt it.
Garmin data here.
Salt Lake Half Marathon - 10th consecutive year! 2007-2016 :)
Yes, this was my first half marathon in 2007, and I've done it every year since, even in 2014 when I walked it in just over 3 hr (slowly!) because I was too sick to go faster. My fastest time was 2:03 and change, before the course got harder 3 years ago; that's still my half marathon PR. This year I was 2:19 and change. I took my time and made sure my hamstring survived OK. The hills on the new course are really tough, and despite that it's a net downhill it is still a very challenging course and I was happy to finish.
My hamstring didn't bother me much - at most it was sometimes a 2/10, but it was 0-1/10 pain level for most of the race. My legs felt strong and good until about the last 2km, when my right leg got very tired and I felt that my hamstring and calf on the right were a bit wobbly/iffy. I probably was compensating for weak/tired/injured left leg, so I have to be careful of that this week. Otherwise, everything was good and I think my recovery is proceeding.
The weather was cold but not windy until after the race (yay!) and it was beautifully clear (yay!). The temps were about 2.2C to start (36F) and about 46-48F at the finish (8-9C).
Garmin data here.
I'm way tired and trying to get some sleep soon so not gonna write more now - seems like this pretty much sums it up. Photos from the last 10 years:
My hamstring didn't bother me much - at most it was sometimes a 2/10, but it was 0-1/10 pain level for most of the race. My legs felt strong and good until about the last 2km, when my right leg got very tired and I felt that my hamstring and calf on the right were a bit wobbly/iffy. I probably was compensating for weak/tired/injured left leg, so I have to be careful of that this week. Otherwise, everything was good and I think my recovery is proceeding.
The weather was cold but not windy until after the race (yay!) and it was beautifully clear (yay!). The temps were about 2.2C to start (36F) and about 46-48F at the finish (8-9C).
Garmin data here.
I'm way tired and trying to get some sleep soon so not gonna write more now - seems like this pretty much sums it up. Photos from the last 10 years:
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