I had to double-check the calendar. It's May 24th, right? Memorial Day is next weekend - BBQ time, sandals, swimming, summer, right? Apparently not. This has been the coldest spring I remember since moving here in 1999. One could hardly call it spring. Yes, we have had a few nice days, but not very many. Mostly it's been cold, raining, or snowing, or all three at once. I am SICK OF IT. ENOUGH ALREADY. More snow pictures here.
Fortunately I had planned to hit the gym anyway, so it wasn't that big of a deal. I wasn't feeling so hot when I woke up, but I decided I just had to get some exercise no matter what. I drove to the gym and did 1 hr 5 min of cardio; half on the bike and half on the elliptical. I am reading a pretty entertaining/humorous/insightful book "The Year of Living Biblically: One Man's Humble Quest to Follow the Bible as Literally as Possible" by A.J. Jacobs, and so the time passed quickly.
My toenail was killing me, though, and I'm very grateful to be visiting the podiatrist later today. Other than that, and the snow, it was a pretty uneventful workout.
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