I slept pretty well, though I did wake at about 4:30 and slept somewhat fitfully after that. But Thursday night, 2 nights before the race (which is supposed to be the most important night), I slept REALLY well, so I was feeling pretty good Saturday morning.
We arrived at the start about 8:15 or so, and so we had lots of time to kill. We used the porta potties (several times – I was well-hydrated!), and spread out some blankets and sat down and chatted about all sorts of stuff – lots about races and racewalking, naturally! We took photos, and generally had a good time. Pretty soon it was time to walk gently uphill for 0.4 miles to the actual start. I used the porta potty again, warmed up (5-10 min, with 4 fast pick-ups), and discarded my sweats (I wore old ones I didn’t care about, and they will be donated to a homeless shelter). I found the 10:00 pace group, since that was exactly what I planned on (they only had pace groups for the start to facilitate traffic, not throughout the race). And pretty soon, we were off.
It took me about 3 minutes to cross the start, but I didn’t care much since the race was chip timed. I took it very easy for the first mile, with an average HR of 149. It was the biggest downhill on the course, though, and so I still finished the mile in 9:31. Good – time in the bank, without wearing me out. I pushed a little harder on miles 2&3 (didn’t see the mile 2 sign) and did them in 19:30 total with a HR of 155. Still feeling pretty darn good, and wanted to take it at a moderate pace until at least mile 4.35 (1/3 of the way through). But, there were some hills (gentle, but still hills), and I didn’t take it that easy. I missed the mile 4 split and finished 4&5 in 20:17 with an ave HR of 160 (hmmm, a little high, but OK I guess).
Miles 6-9 were hilly. Basically, one gradual hill – not steep at all, but it went on what seemed like forever. AND it was starting to get HOT. UGH! Fortunately it was partly cloudy, and sometimes we were shaded by the steep canyon walls. But it was still very warm. By the time I finished the race it was probably 70 degrees (21C), which is about 10-15 degrees hotter than my preferred racing temperature. For miles 6-9, here are my splits and HR: mile 6, 10:01 & 161; mile 7, 9:58 and 163; mile 8, 10:16 and 163, mile 9 (downhill then a steep but short uphill) 10:00 & 164. I was pushing a little harder at this point than I had planned, but still keeping my 10:00 pace, except for mile 8 (which was really brutal for some reason – the hill & heat took their toll). I knew my race strategy (go out at 10:00 or a little faster since the start was downhill, and see how long I could hold it) was a bit risky; I didn’t know if I’d be able to keep the pace for the whole race, but really, I so much wanted to finish at a 10:00 pace, and I figured the worst case was that I’d crap out at the end.
Well, I did slow a little at the end, and it was very difficult, but I think I did pretty well. My strategy worked out OK. Mile 10, 10:23, HR 166; mile 11, 10:19, HR 164 (uphill AGAIN!). At mile 10.7 or so we left the canyon and the cooling of the river and it got much HOTTER. There was no more shade, and we were on the asphalt of highway 191, baking in the heat. The last 2 miles were mentally very tough. I pushed as hard as I could, and though I was breathing very hard and my HR was pretty high, I think my legs were maybe more tired than my lungs – a first for me in a race. Usually it’s my cardio that gives out first. Mile 12 was in 10:10, amazingly, with HR 169, and mile 13.1 was 11:27, with HR 169 and max of 177 at the end of the race. I gave it my all, and could not have raced any harder.
Oh, and along the way, I had a split of 1:40:xx for 10 miles; my best for 10 miles is 1:38:34, for a race that was almost ALL downhill, and only 10 miles total, so this was terrific. AND, best of all, my split for 20km was in the low 2:04s – fast, and would have taken 1st place in the National Master’s 20K in Huntington Beach last weekend if I had been old enough (1 year older, 40 years old) to qualify for the prize money of $200. Next year!
This was a great race, and though I didn’t quite reach my goal of 10:00/mile pace the whole way, I am more than happy with my performance, AND I had a great time!
More race photos here.
Afterwards, I got some goodies and shared them w/the family. The kids loved having cookies and bananas and peanuts and chocolate milk for lunch, and I got to eat a little too. Then I saw some of my fellow Wasatch Walkers finish their races, and we walked the ½ mile slowly back to the condo.
More photos of the Delicate Arch hike here.
I looked up your time last night on the race website. You did awesome!! Congratulations! See you Saturday.
Tammy ... you're AMAZING!!!! There is a potential next year ... or at least cheering you on!!! Walk and Rock ON Girlfried!!!! :-)
You are so amazing. I'm so proud of you! :)
Great photos! Glad it was such a good weekend, from a race standpoint and all around. hip hip hooray!
That is awesome Tammy! If you can do that time/pace on a hilly course, think about what you can do on a flat 20K course! You've certainly got me warming up to the idea of attempting a 20K this year in the fall.
How's your IT band now? Is it completely healed, because that would be great if it is - you would be able to forge ahead with your training.
Way to go, Tammy! That is an awesome half marthon time, especially with that worrisome ITB! I have a half on Sunday, and the best I can hope for is to finish in about 2:40. Although, I am training for a 100... so I really shouldn't push the pace too much.
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