I went swimming again today. I was pretty apprehensive but it turned out OK. At least I got a good workout.
I went to Steiner Aquatic Center, which is only a 5 minute drive (it's pretty near the East High track where I often work out). The first thing I noticed is that I had to pack a lot of stuff to swim. Cap, goggles, towel, soap, shampoo, deodorant, clean socks & underwear, $5 for the fee, a brush, and a lock for the locker. I didn't forget anything important, thankfully. I suppose if I had decided to shower at home I wouldn't have had to bring so much stuff, but honestly, who wants to drive home when the weather is below freezing wet and smelling of chlorine? When I worked out w/my brother and SIL we did that, but it wasn't so cold outside there. Besides, this way I could get a shower without any little ones peering in and saying "mommy...", and without getting in Loren's way as he gets ready for work.
I paid my fee, asked where the locker rooms and pool were, and walked in. I was wearing my suit under some sweats, so I peeled them off and shoved my stuff in the locker and grabbed my towel and goggles and cap and headed for the pool. I surveyed the scene. Half the lanes were occupied by the East High swim team. The other half had 1-2 people each lane, except one lane on the end which was empty :)! I asked the East High coach if there were any rules for which lane was which (slow, med, fast, etc.) and he said no, but he wished there were. I thanked him and got in the empty lane, next to some of the East High swimmers. I tried not to pay attention to how fast they were.
The workout itself was a bit boring since I didn't have anything in particular planned. I just thought I'd swim at an easy aerobic pace for an hour and not stress about anything. That was good for today, actually. I did in the neighborhood of 40 laps (I'm terrible at counting them!) of the 25 yd pool for about 2000 yds. Most of them were freestyle but I did about 6 laps (?) of breaststroke for something a little different. My knee (IT band) actually bothered me a little bit pushing off the wall during some of the freestyle laps and also a little during some of the breaststroke laps. I don't think it was a big deal, just a little tweak, but it was a good reminder of why I was in the pool. It was still great to get some exercise, and every time I checked my heart rate it was about 135-150, which was exactly where I wanted it.
Things I like about swimming:
1. You don't notice sweat in the pool. I am not one to enjoy getting really sweaty, though obviously racewalking is a pretty good sweat generator.
2. Weather is a non-issue in an indoor pool.
3. It's pretty easy to tune out the world when you can't hear or see much. I think once I got better at this it would be a good time to think about things.
4. Once you're in the pool no one notices much about how you look. That's a happy thing.
5. The showers had private stalls with a bench in each. Yay!
6. I wasn't the slowest person in the pool today. Not that I'm fast (I was very slow, with most of my laps around 1:00-1:05, which is 2:00-2:10 for 100yd).
Things I didn't particularly care for:
1. The chlorine smell which is still on me 8 hours later, even after a shower.
2. The large number of teenage girls in the locker room after the workout - the East High contingent. I actually didn't mind their gossip and camaraderie with each other, but I was acutely aware of my age and my cellulite. Hopefully they didn't mind the old lady (me!) in there with them. Not that I'm old, but I sure felt that way next to them!
3. I missed my mp3 player. I love listening to music/books/podcasts while I racewalk.
4. It was on the boring side. If I'm going to have to do this for several months (which I might) I am definitely joining the Master's team so I can get some coaching and do real workouts. That would be more fun.
I miss racewalking SO much. I popped a DVD of the Olympics in the other day, and watched a little. I had to turn it off after a few minutes because I just couldn't stand watching it knowing that I couldn't get out there for a walk.
However, overall my mood is much better since Tuesday. I'm not exactly sure why, but I'm grateful for it. I think part of it is just being back in a routine again after the holidays. Whatever the reason, I'll take it.
Oh Tammy, I have spent lots of time in that locker room (that's my gym) and TRUST ME, there are all kinds of body types walking around stark naked and oblivious throughout the day. Women of all ages with everything sagging and wrinkled. They always seem to be swimmers - swimmers are so comfortable with their bodies. I'm sure you're invisible to the teens. My favorite thing about swimming is the quiet and otherworldliness.
Good Job Tammy! Way to go! It's not for everybody but when you need some endorphins it works in a pinch. Also each length is considered a lap in swimming so 100 yards is 4 laps. Not sure why.
You felt like an old lady next to those girls? Ha! How do you think I would have felt! Don't worry about what you look like. Those young girls probably don't even pay attention to your body.
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