First I went to my weight training class, where I warmed up with 7 min on the bike and a few min of racewalking. Then I did a hard set of lifting: walking lunges, incline bench press, dead lifts, upright rows, assisted chin-ups, leg extensions, tricep pull-downs, bicep curls. Then some core exercises: back extensions, ball crunches, 2 minute plank (!), and supermans.
Next, I got the kids dressed and took them to day care for the morning, and I met some friends at Mountain Dell Golf Course (2nd photo; up Parleys Canyon) for some snowshoeing. I'd never been snowshoeing before, and was eager to try it. Turns out it is really easy, and a lot of fun. I was borrowing a friend's snowshoes, and so it was free too! I would love to get a pair of snowshoes now. I think Loren and the kids would like it a lot too. I can't believe I've been here 10 years and this was the first time I've done this. My friends Kathy (last photo), Diane, and Carol (with me in the 1st photo) came along and we had a great time. The only bummer was that our friend Nancy, who proposed the trip, was sick and couldn't join us. We are now hoping to try cross-country skiing. Kathy says she can teach us. I actually own a pair of skis but have only been a couple of times because I needed some lessons, so this is perfect.
The last thing on my morning activity list was a physical therapy session at the U at 10:30 am. It was awesome. I love PT. I talked with the therapist, did 10 min on the elliptical to warm up, and then did a whole set of exercises designed to torture, oops, I mean strengthen, my hips. It was a good hard workout and afterward the physical therapist did some deep tissue massage on me and then iced my leg for 10 minutes or so. I think the reason I like PT is that as a mom of 2 small children, my focus is always on caring for someone else's needs, and PT is all about them caring for YOUR needs. It's nice to be spoiled for a while, even if it involves some physical effort.
Good thing I did all that activity, because I used the leftover bananas from the TNT workout last weekend (they were nice & ripe - perfect!) to make banana bread. And I ate a lot of it, pretty much guilt-free :).
1 comment:
Yay! I'm glad the snowshoes worked and you had fun. That was a VERY active day you had!
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