Saturday, January 31, 2009

Day 5: 40 days 'til 39

Today was scrapbooking day. I finally finished Calvin's baby album. Sad, since he is 4 years old now. I really want to find more time to scrapbook...and read books...and play music. Oh yeah, I have 2 preschoolers. I guess that stuff will have to wait a bit.

But even one hour was time well-spent, and I did finish the album, so now I can start on Michelle's :).

Here's a sample of my work. These are my favorite photos of baby Calvin (age 3 mos and under). He was SO cute! Can't believe he was once this small.


Hunca Munca said...

I was looking at old photos of Alex and Calvin too - hard to believe how much they have changed.

Anonymous said...

I've gotten as far as 18 months in Lina's book. Unfortunately I'm now 5 years behind. I wonder how many more years it will be until I have time to work on it again.