Thursday, January 29, 2009

Fun with Calvin

Yesterday, Calvin was bugging me to make Rice Krispies treats in the shape of pandas. He saw this on the cereal box and it looked like fun, so we finally did it. I am proud to say that I didn't totally pig out on them. I did have some though!

This is what they were supposed to look like. Um, yeah, right.

This is what they actually looked like. Not too bad, considering my lack of frosting skills.

Calvin didn't care what they looked like :). Yum!

Yeah, I should have been napping instead of doing this (Michelle was napping, and I was VERY tired), but it was a great time with my son, and I went to bed early instead. It worked out OK.


Hunca Munca said...

Awww, that is so cute. You score big mommy points for giving up part of naptime for this mother-son bonding activity.

Anonymous said...

Cute! Did you have a special cookie cutter for that, or did you stick the ears on afterward?