This is all the rage on Facebook so I'll post it here too. What the heck.
If you are not on Facebook yet, get on there! It is addictive, fun, & a blast to get re-acquainted w/old friends. Yes, there are plenty of people on it who are in their 30s, 40s, 50s, etc., so don't let age be a barrier.
1. I was born in Louisville, Kentucky but have no idea what it's like there because I only lived there for 6 months before moving to Wisconsin.
2. I lived in Wisconsin until I was 10, then moved to Pennsylvania and lived there until I graduated from high school.
3. Then I moved to California to go to school at UC San Diego. I wanted a change of scenery and I have to say that San Diego is one of the most beautiful places you could live.
4. I met my husband in the first day of freshman chemistry class. I guess you could say there was chemistry ;).
5. I love music and science and was debating between a music major and a molecular biology major. Science won.
6. But later I went back to school and did a piano performance major.
7. I still teach piano lessons today (and have for the last 10 years). Did music win?
8. I'm not sure that music won, because I worked at the University of Utah as a scientist from 2002-August 2008 when I got laid off because my boss lost his grant $. If he gets $ again I might go back to work there, because I really liked working for him. I love science and subscribe to Scientific American.
9. I was a couch potato until February 2005, and I was 100 lb overweight.
10. I joined Weight Watchers because I hated who I was and didn't want to pass my bad habits to my son, who was 4 months old.
10. I lost the 100 lbs and now I am a coach with Team in Training ( and I LOVE RACEWALKING! I did a hard treadmill hill workout this morning (hey, it was freezing outside!) and it felt awesome.
11. I love blogging and I blog all about racewalking and other random things at
12. I'd like to lose 5-10 lbs more to be faster at racewalking. I said this last year too and didn't find the motivation, because I still love to eat!
13. My next race is the Canyonlands Half Marathon in Southern Utah on March 21st.
14. I'll be taking the family with me and we'll all be camping down there. After the race we'll do some hiking and check out the scenery, because my husband's favorite place in the world is Canyonlands National Park.
15. Oh yeah, we live in Utah now. We moved here in 1999 and thought we'd be here for my husband to go to school for 2 years but then we stayed and it's going to be 10 years this summer.
16. We thought Utah was going to be a really weird place to live, but it turns out that we love it here. I'm not too fond of the cold & snow, but it sure is beautiful.
17. I love looking out my front door and seeing the mountains every day.
18. I get cold easily since I lost weight and one of my favorite things to do is to take a HOT bath in our jetted tub at the end of the day.
19. I have visited 47 of the 50 states. I have not been in Louisiana, Alabama, or Mississippi.
20. My husband and I want to take a cruise to Alaska in 2010 or 2011, or as soon as we can save up enough $. We have wanted to do this for about 10 years now and are finally really making progress on saving the $.
21. I love to read books. I am reading about 5 books at any given time.
22. I subscribe to magazines too: Weight Watchers Magazine, Scientific American, Parents, Everyday Food (new one recommended by my SIL), and my favorite, Runner's World (yes, I'm a racewalker, but most of it except for the shoes and technique is exactly the same for RW and running).
23. In addition to the piano, I play the clarinet and the organ. I don't really have time to practice any of them right now though.
24. I still have to be very careful about my eating and I track my food intake every day. If I didn't remain vigilant I know I'd gain some of it back, but not all of it, because I love to racewalk too much! I attend Weight Watchers meetings weekly.
25. Though I didn't live in Kentucky very long, it must have influenced me, because I still love horses and like to watch the Kentucky Derby.