Saturday: Easy 6K in 41:30ish around SugarHouse Park. Absolutely gorgeous sunrise - I love living here on days like this. It was warm, about 45F, but the snow still covers the mountains, and the sky was dark blue and then hot pink above the Oquirrhs. I felt so privileged to see it and to be outside enjoying the beauty of creation.
Sunday: I finally got to do my 10-miler! Yeah! I did just over 16k on my iPod, which turned out to be 9.75 miles, so a bit less than the 10 miles, but close enough for me :). It took about 1:50 and change, about 11:16/mile or about 6:58/km, which is a nice easy pace. My heart rate was ave 138; right where I wanted it to be.
In other news, I lent
Sweethearts to my babysitter, who is an avid reader, on Wednesday. She is on p.150-something and when I called her tonight to ask her about some upcoming dates, she was RAVING about how great it is. She says she is going to have to buy her own personal copy. I am thrilled she likes it so much. I am tempted to recommend
Story of a Girl, but she is 13, and very LDS, so I think maybe the subject matter might be more mature than her mother would appreciate. It's a great book, though, and I will be sure to suggest it to her when she's a little older.
Anyway, she was so excited about Sweethearts - I told her that if she got a copy I'd be sure to have it autographed for her, and she was ecstatic :). Yeah, more fans for
Potty training is a major struggle right now with Calvin. He doesn't really want to do it, but we are convinced he can, and we are ready for it. We have been working on it very hard since Thursday, with dismal results until this afternoon, when he suddenly decided that maybe it actually would be in his best interests to use the potty and get some small rewards (a couple M&Ms). I hope this trend continues.
Michelle is little miss verbosity lately. The other day she said "strawberry", and today she said "hot dog", "football" (she's said it before, but not recently due to lack of football on TV - today she saw the arena football articles in our paper), and several other words that my end-of-the-day-tired brain can't recall. Very cute. She is starting to have more tantrums though, and they're getting longer and more serious. On Saturday in the grocery store she pitched a really good lying-down-and-kicking-tantrum because I wouldn't let her pick out more than 6 oranges when we already had a big bag of apples, too. I got mostly sympathetic looks from fellow shoppers :).
I'm going to go take a hot bath in our jacuzzi tub. I need it!