Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Two years at Lifetime

As of today, I've been a lifetime member of Weight Watchers for 2 years. That means that I have been at or below 2 lbs above my goal weight for that whole time. In reality, I've spent the vast majority of that 2 years about 5-10 lbs below my goal weight. Right now I'm about 5 lbs below my goal weight (in the morning, that is - at night, running about 3 lbs below). I'd like to make it back to 10 lbs below or even a bit lower by next fall for the Portland Marathon. I digress.

Anyway, though I still struggle at times to keep my eating under control, I am doing pretty well overall. I mean, losing 95 lbs to get to my goal (I lost 105 to get to 10 below my goal weight) was a pretty amazing accomplishment, and keeping it off for 2 years, well, that's amazing too.

What's different now:
1. I love racewalking.
2. I love to exercise, and if I don't get to work out, I feel crappy.
3. When I do work out, I feel great afterwards, and my mood is much improved.
4. I have learned a lot of great new ways to cook that keep the flavor high and the fat and calories low. I am a much better cook than I used to be!
5. I have made a lot of new friends (virtual and non-virtual) who love racewalking and who support me in my new endeavors.

What's not really so different:
1. I still struggle with emotional eating.
2. I still love to eat (this in itself is not bad; it's only bad when I go overboard).
3. Sometimes I still feel like a 250 lb person in my 150 lb body. Mentally, I revert to old ways of doing things too often. This may or may not ever really change; I suspect that it will gradually get easier over the years but that I will always still struggle with it.
4. I still think about food a lot.
5. But y'know what? I am still the same person in many good ways, too. I look a lot different, but inside, it's still me :).

Happy 2 years and hoping for many more.


Harriet said...

yep, two years is a long time.

Whatever you are doing, keep it up!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the critique coach!

I think you're right about over striding.

As far as your weight watcher thingy..Congrats on sticking with it. I guess you have a lot to give thanks for tomorrow.


Sara Z. said...

Congratulations, Tammy! That is such an accomplishment - and there's theology in here somewhere. We're never perfected in this life, just in process. You are doing great with the process.

Hunca Munca said...

Two years - wow. That's really something to be proud of. Change is not easy. Even if you always struggle a bit to keep up the healthy lifestyle - don't we all! -it's great to see such tangible rewards. Wishing you many more years of good health and happiness! :-)