I got a happy surprise yesterday. This message was in my inbox from the racewalking Yahoo! group:
The following are the Masters Race Walking Awards for 2008
*** before their names means that I need their mailing addresses in order to send them their awards
W35 *** Tamara Stevenson
W40 *** Joanne Dow
W45 Teresa Vaill
W50 There is a question raised about awarding an award in this group. It will be resolved at the convention
W55 *** Lynn Tracy
W60 Pansuela Geer
W65 *** Louise Walters
W70 Beverly McCall
W75 *** Shirley Docksteader
W80 Miriam Gordon
Outstanding Female Joanne Dow
M35 Tim Seaman
M40 John Soucheck
M45 Don Lawrence
M50 *** Jonathan Matthews
M55 *** Michael Wiggens
M60 Leon Jasionowski
M65 John Buckland
M70 Paul Johnson
M75 Jack Bray
M80 Jack Starr
M95 *** Harry Drasin
Outstanding Male Race Walker
tie Jack Bray and Jack Starr
A big "Thank you" to the Masters Race Walking Committee and Tom Higbie.
What this means is that the RW committee chose me to be the Masters' racewalker of the year for women age 35-39, for the whole country! Wow! I am honored. Admittedly, there are not a lot of female RWers my age who take it seriously, but still, it is a neat accomplishment for a former 100lb+ overweight couch potato.
Oh, and I'm in very good company. Joanne Dow was in the Olympic Games this year in the women's 20k racewalk. Teresa Vaill was 2nd in the US Olympic Trials, and has been one of the best in the US for a very long time. Now I'm not anywhere close to their league, but it is fun to be mentioned in the same list as them :).
I have to admit that this is pretty motivating in terms of continuing to stay fit and eat well. There are some good rewards to be had!
Congratulations! That's an awesome accomplishment and a great motivating factor to take into next season.
Congrats....you work hard. you deserve it!
I keep telling you you're good, good, good! Now - will you just start believing it yourself?! Congratulations!
Congratulations!! How exciting!
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