Thursday, November 06, 2008

Morning run

I went for a run this morning around SugarHouse Park. It was SO beautiful - cold (27F!), but beautiful. I got there just before sunrise and shot these pics w/my phone camera. I ran about 4 miles, but the last mile, my left knee was bugging me a bit on the lateral side. I think it might be my tight IT band. SO, no more running for me for a little while. I am going to racewalk the Cold Turkey race on Thanksgiving, and I'll sign up tomorrow.


Harriet said...

Those are pretty scenes, but I'd still take warmer weather. I love to go outside to walk or run.

We didn't get the Utah-TCU game here and, besides, I was dead tired and asleep by 9 pm.

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh. It looks Thomas-Kincaid-ish! So pretty

Unknown said...

Wow! So pretty! But I hope I don't have to see any snow here for a little while still!

Hunca Munca said...

These are beautiful shots - have you thought of submitting them to the morning news channels?
Good for you for working out in the cold early mornings! I'm finding it tough.