Friday, October 15, 2010

some serious cross-training

I'm resting my foot today in preparation for completing 20K tomorrow. See how positive I am? I really think I'm going to be able to do it pain-free :). Hoping, anyway, and thinking positively. Can't hurt, might help.

Today I tried the rowing machine at the gym. I liked it! I expected it to work my arms and back, but I felt it in my glutes, which was really interesting. They might be sore tomorrow, but I did keep it to just 20 min since it was my first time, so I think I'll be OK. Then I did the stationary bike for 25' and the elliptical for 25'.

I got home & showered and got the kids off (they're going to my parents' house overnight - yay! date night!), and then I biked to work, which took 25'. So I'd say I got in plenty of serious cross-training today!

My foot feels great. Seriously, not even any discomfort or warmth or noticing it much. I've been concentrating on using good form in just my everyday walking, rotating the L hip back and pushing off the toes. It seems to be working! I'm very hopeful, but won't feel sure that it's good until I do the 20K tomorrow.

Garmin connect data here for gym
Garmin connect data here for bike ride

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