Thursday, October 14, 2010

a little speed work to test the foot

Today I was to test out the foot and the technique tweaks with a 3K fartlek. In the dark. At the track. Yeah, it's dark until about 7:15 or so these days, so it was dark for my workout and a bit chilly at 44F (~7C?). Once I warmed up I was fine though, as it was calm and clear. I warmed up with 1600m in 10:15 or so, did dynamic flexibility drills and a PT exercise to activate the muscles in my L foot, and I was good to go. I felt a bit heavy-legged from yesterday's 10K with hills, so I knew my times would be slow. But I wasn't worried about that, as I just wanted to get through the workout pain-free.

I did the fartlek in 17:51, a slowish but still respectable time given my foot. About 2 km or so, my foot gave a little twinge, but other than that I was totally fine. It felt warmish afterward, and I did go to the gym and do some foot PT, some squats (one-legged with abductor work on the other leg, as my coach instructed), calf raises, bench press on Smith machine, abductor machine, and a bunch of other stuff which I'm not going to list, plus core work at the end and stretching.

I iced my foot when I got to work, and it seems pretty good now; about 95% of normal perhaps. Hopefully it will stay that way. Tomorrow: x-training to give it a rest, and Saturday we're going to try for 20K, though I'll stop if necessary.

Garmin connect data here.

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