I woke up and checked my heart rate before I got out of bed. Resting HR was about 46-48, which is pretty normal for me. Good - off to a good start! I got dressed and ate a bowl of Kashi GoLean Crunch with peaches and vanilla soymilk about 7:00 am. I knew I'd need the breakfast since the race wasn't until 9:15 am.
Pretty soon it was time to head to the track. I drove over there (about 30 min from my brother's house in Davis), got a parking permit, and declared at the race tent. I ran into Katie & Karen K., and enjoyed chatting for a few minutes. I also met Vicki P., Nana B., and Rebecca G. - a pleasure to meet all of them in person, finally! We all chatted for a while and then I returned to the car to stow my sweatshirt and fanny pack (for you Aussies, bum bag, sorry, but my American friends won't get that ;)!). Then I warmed up with an easy 1600m with strides plus my dynamic flexibility drills. I went back to check in because we were supposed to be there 15 min before the race, and it was time. My brother met me over at the tent where we were checking in, and I was really glad to see him. I sat down in the shade (it was already warm in the sun) and tried to relax. My HR was 80-90 just sitting there - nerves!
They escorted us onto the track for some strides, but I was already warm so I didn't do much - just walked slowly. They lined us up on the start line, by age, so I was all the way on the end. That's only fair. The gun went off, and I quickly made my way to the center lane. I did the first 200m in about 1:06 and the second in about 1:08 for 2:14. Nice! Good pacing from the start. I held that pace for the first 1K, feeling very easy about it, and got to 1K in 5:36. I couldn't keep that rhythm, though, so I eased up just a touch to reach 2K in 11:18.6, for 5:43 for the 2nd km. I was still feeling good but was hot; I dumped water on my head on just about every lap. My mouth was dry and I tried to drink some, but gagged and spit it out. Oh well. It was only about 65F according to the National Weather Service (at the airport, not the track though) but it felt hotter in the sun. It might have been 70F at the track. My car thermometer said 64F when I was driving in, and that was over an hour before the race. Not that hot, but hot enough to feel it.
I started to really feel it in the 3rd km, as usual. But I told myself I had to keep the pace! I watched the clock every 200m and was doing mostly 1:08-1:09 so I figured I was doing well enough. I pulled off a 5:44 for the 3rd km, and the pain really began at that point, typical for a 5K. I focused on keeping my rhythm, even though my breathing became more labored and I was grimacing with the effort (see the pictures...nasty faces!). I did a good job of holding it, only slowing a little for a 5:47 for the 4th km. I thought, "only 1km left...I can do it...keep going" and imagined racewalking on the cool path on the Provo River Trail. I also imagined all of my RW friends and my family in the stands cheering; my brother was there cheering, so I didn't have to imagine him - that was awesome! I gave it my all for a 5:48 to finish in 28:39.55 official time, only 3 seconds slower than my track PR in Spokane two years ago. Fabulous, given my iron levels and my less-rigorous training as a result of the iron issue.
It was a bit of a lonely race, as I only passed one person the whole time. From the start, Maryanne D. and Katie G. were ahead of me, as was Vicki P. I passed Vicki about 600m into the race, and then was just about 1/2-3/4 lap behind Maryanne and Katie for most of the race. Vicki finished only about 20 sec behind me, and someone else was pretty close, too, but I never really knew they were there (hmmm, maybe I should have paid attention?!?). I just focused on doing my own race the best that I could, and I didn't get discouraged at all that I couldn't catch anyone. Katie had a new PR of 27:11 (awesome! congrats to her!) and I know I can't do that (yet!) so don't feel bad at all, just happy for her. And Maryanne got a new American record in her age group (50-54) with her 26:27, an amazingly fast time.
Third overall, a gold medal in my age group, and 3 seconds slower than my PR. A good, solid race. I'll take it! Thanks to my coach for helping me believe that I could do it, with all the setbacks I've had this year.
More photos here. There are A LOT of me (also a bunch of my friend Don from the men's race - I took some for him); my brother went crazy. I have movies too but there's a compatibility issue I have to sort out. Also, I'm looking at the photos aghast at the extra skin/flab on my legs. Ugh! Makes me want plastic surgery...seriously...losing all that weight, well, it was great, but left me looking kinda nasty. Actually, I probably still could use to shed a few pounds; coach says I am OK but hard to believe looking at the photos. I weighed 147.2 this morning, so not too bad, but I wonder if I'd be better at say, 140? But I also do not want to lose too much muscle, as one of the things that makes me reasonably fast is that I'm pretty strong.
Tonight I'm going to boost my iron stores with a visit to Outback steakhouse with Katie, Karen, Nana, & Rebecca :).
Garmin connect data here.
Edited, thanks to Ollie: 28:39.55 not 29!!!!! I worked hard for that minute!!! :)
I'll say more later. But I enjoyed the photos and the post; evidently you added a minute to your time. :-)
Thanks, Ollie - I have fixed that typo! Man, what a typo - I worked hard for that minute, and it's definitely 28:39.55 not 29!!!
Tammy, you look amazing! And I really love your short hair, I know you've had it that way for a long time now, but since I never see you I sometimes forget. ;)
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