Today was our club race. We had a great time! The weather was cold and windy, but it waited to rain until just after the race.
We had a good turnout from the club, but I'm sure it would have been better had the weather forecast been more positive. It's supposed to SNOW tonight and I actually did see a few snowflakes at the race start.
I brought Calvin with me to the race, and I paid the $10 to enter him, because I knew he'd be able to walk 3k and I figured he'd have a great time. He did! And the group was so good to him, too.
I wasn't expecting a great race for myself, because I've been training for the marathon next weekend, but I was pleasantly surprised at how well I did. There was a little confusion on my part about the race course. It was a loop course and you had to do 2.75 loops, and I got confused about where the finish was, loop-wise. But I figured it out when I got near the finish and it was only 13:33 on my watch - I knew I had more to go, so I did one more half loop and that turned out to be exactly the right thing to do.
I was breathing really hard all the way, though I think I could have pushed a little harder, especially if I was more comfortable w/the course. But I'm glad I didn't push harder with the marathon next weekend, so it's all good. Besides, this is my first 3k race, so I was guaranteed a PR no matter how I did!
I finished in 16:53, for an average of 5:38 per km. Not too shabby for someone training for a marathon, which is the polar opposite of this race.
When I finished, I walked the rest of the race with Calvin, who finished in 28:47. Admittedly, he was not walking the whole way - he sort of walk-jogs, and it's cute. No one minded, though, and 28:47 for a 4-year-old is downright great. He was very pleased with his gold medal and the hot chocolate at the end of the race.
There are lots more pictures and videos here.
Yeah, I'd say 16:53 is a pretty darn good time since my PB(PR) for the 3,000 is 16:55! Good for you! I hate hearing about the "S" word though!
And congrats to Calvin! I am very impressed that he walked for that length of time! He obviously has a great role model he wants to emulate!
Nice form Tammy! looks cold out there. San Francisco will seem like the desert to you!
BTW..what brand of shoes were you wearing?
I was wearing Asics Cypress, my favorite RW shoes. They are awesome! I'm going to wear that pair for the marathon.
San Francisco could feel colder if it's windy and raining. Hopefully it will be neither :).
Brrr. That looks so cold!
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