Saturday, October 18, 2008

Descending to the Great Highway

This was taken from the car, so not a great shot, but this is the race course descending to the Great Highway. 


Anonymous said...

Glad you're having a good time so far.
Yes, those last 10 miles are really boring.
You will actually be passing right my house as you make you're way down the Great Highway ( look to your left as you pass Taravel ave..Im between Ulloa and Vicente blvd).

Unfortunately, I wont be home on Sunday to cheer you on.


Sara Z. said...

That is taken from pretty much RIGHT in front of where I used to work at Seal Rock Gifts. Further down the Great Highway you'll be 5 blocks from the apartment G. and I lived in from marriage to when we moved to SLC, on Taraval St. & 42nd Ave. Sigh - homesick!