Friday, June 20, 2008

Work stuff

I don't post too much about work; some of it is just caution because I like my job and want to keep it! However, I thought I'd post a little today about what's been going on. Co-worker DK gave a very good talk today at the RIP (research in progress), and though I was 15 min late (no one told me it was at 11:45 not at noon!), I enjoyed it quite a lot. He discussed differing theories regarding ependymal cell proliferation and migration during spinal cord regeneration in salamanders, and showed some of our data. I was pleased to see that my endless photo sessions of newt spinal cord actually do look good on the big screen :). After his talk, I spent the rest of the afternoon immersed in a bad audio book (hey, it was free from, so what the heck) while I sectioned some more newt spinal cords. These were embedded in plastic (vs. the usual paraffin or OCT (frozen)), and require a little different technique to section, but they are pretty easy once you get the hang of it. I managed to get 4 spinal cords sectioned (longitudinally) before it was time to get the kids from day care.

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