Thursday, June 26, 2008

Today's plans

Today's the big day! My brother is getting ordained tonight in the Evangelical Covenant Church at their general conference here in Green Lake. He worked for 10 years to get his master's degree in theology, one class at a time, and then had to pass his ordination exam. We're all very proud of him.

The ordination service is at 7 pm, and so we're all going out to dinner at about 4:30 pm and then heading over there. I hope the kids will be well-behaved; if not, we'll just take them outside or something.

Speaking of the kids, this is what I saw when I got back from my walk this morning.

1 comment:

Hunca Munca said...

Cute, cute picture! They are such little angels when they're sleeping!

Happy ordination day to Alex, and happy anniversary to you and Loren. :-)