Friday, June 06, 2008

Threshold workout

I still hate these. Probably always will, but I do feel very virtuous when I finish them!!!

I warmed up by walking over to Liberty Park, which takes about 12.5 minutes when I'm fresh and going downhill (it's a slight downhill all the way there). Then I did 4 x 2k (approx 2k, pretty close anyway) with about 3 min easy walking in between. My times were 11:20 (umm, too fast!), 11:37, 11:37 and 11:36 (yeah! finished strong!). I wasn't too concerned w/the times, but wanted to keep my heart rate at 85% max, which is about 162 for me. I did keep it there, and it was probably 165 on the last 2k. I was really pleased with the times, though, as they were pretty fast 2ks (for me, anyway!). Then I did a cool down, walking home in about 16 min (uphill, and taking it very easy to cool down). Total workout time was 1:25ish and I did 8.05 miles (my calculation from the car) or 8.18 miles (iPod, which is probably not quite right).

My average heart rate, including the easy walking and the warm-up and cool-down, was 150! Yowza! That was a tough workout.

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