I was a bit worried that my fingers might start to hurt this morning, but I needn't have. They hurt a little for 500m or so and then it was fine. Actually, the whole walk was great. I felt really good this morning, despite the lack of sleep, broken fingers, etc.
It's still slow going with typing, so I won't belabor this. Total time: 2:03:17 for 6:10/km with ave HR 143. 5K splits 30:25 (slight downhill), 31:18, 30:38, and 30:55 (slight uphill). I'm happy with this!
Garmin data here.
After my walk it was orthopedist time. They took more x-rays, and not only are my 3rd and 4th fingers broken, but I have a small chip broken off my pinky too (avulsion fracture). They gave me a nice pretty pink waterproof cast to wear, which feels much more secure than the splint and can go in the shower and the pool!
In one of life's little ironies, my friend Lisa got bitten badly by a cat and is also all bandaged up; she is left-handed and is finding things difficult since it's her left hand. We had a good laugh and had our picture taken in the lab.
YIKES!!! I am SO SORRY about your hand. Ouch! I remember your warning me about sidewalks being trip hazards - after I fell once on a sidewalk in the dark - was it dark when you tripped? Hope the pain is under good control and let me know if I can be of any help!
oh yeah, and I can't believe you got out and did a 20K - broken hand or no broken hand!!! You are one tough mother. :-)
It wasn't dark at all when I tripped...just clumsy I guess. Sigh...
It doesn't hurt much at all now, thankfully. Cooking and writing and pipetting are slower but I'm still functional!
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