Thursday, September 17, 2009

Foot update

My foot is not the best. It's much better than before the cortisone shot, but it's not good either. If I am on it too much during the day, it feels achy and warm and a bit swollen. If I stay off it and ice it, it feels good (hmmm, imagine that!). However, staying off it entirely is just not possible, between my two preschoolers, my job in a molecular biology lab, and my Team in Training coaching. I'm babying it as much as possible, but it's still not enough.

Yesterday I biked to my weight training class and then did a good hard set of weights. It was great to be there, and the foot did all right. My foot was even happier after resting a good deal of the day and icing it several times.

Today was not as good. I decided to RW 2 miles and see how it went, since I had not RW since Monday. It felt OK, but not great. It was not painful, but achy and a bit unhappy. I put a lidocaine patch on it before going to work, and that was AWESOME. It took an hour or two to kick in, but then there was no pain for much of the day. When it wore off, though, it was achy and unhappy again :(. Bummer. Still, good to know that those patches can keep the pain at bay for critical stuff like the marathon on 10/4!

I am icing it now and am going to REST tomorrow... no weight training, no biking, no nothing. I do have to work, but thankfully, it's mostly just some time on the confocal microscope, so not much on my feet. Then Sue and I are driving to Logan for the marathon on Saturday. I am not bringing my computer, and then Loren and I have some fun plans for Saturday night, so it might be Sunday before I get back to the blog again.


Steve said...

Is Portland back on? even with your foot injury?

Yes, I should be around the weekend of Oct 17th .. Where are you coaching?

Nyle said...

Hows the foot today? Hope with rest and ice its feeling much better.

Tammy said...

Steve - yeah, still doing Portland - got a cortisone shot and doc says I can do it w/o damaging things any worse, so why not :)? I will be coaching Nike Women's Marathon Oct 18th in SF, so hope to see you there.

Nyle - every time I do >10 miles it's not too good... but I bounce back after a few days. Hoping the orthotics I got today will help.