Thursday, September 10, 2009

Cortisone injection

This morning I had a fluoroscopy-guided cortisone injection into the joint in my foot where the sesamoiditis is causing me pain. It was a piece of cake! First the doctor numbed the area w/a lidocaine injection, which stung a little but was no big deal. Then she put another needle in the area to give the injection, which hurt a little but again, not a problem.

Next, she drew off some excess synovial fluid; there was quite a bit in there because of the inflammation. Then she injected a little bit of contrast dye to visualize that she was in the right space. It was visible on the fluoroscope, which is an x-ray in real time (I had requested that I get to watch because I wanted to see the images as she did her work). Pretty cool. Then she injected the cortisone, and you could see the contrast agent displaced as the cortisone went in. I felt a lot of pressure as she injected the cortisone, but no pain. The only pain was from the first lidocaine shot and placement of the needle.

That was it. My foot felt really great afterwards because of the lidocaine, which wore off in a few hours. Still, it feels a bit better than it did before, though the cortisone will take about 48-72 hours to really kick in, they say. I'm hoping for the best :)! Maybe I'll be able to racewalk at the TNT workout on Saturday :) :) :).

Oh, and no, I did not work out this morning. Just couldn't stomach the thought of cardio machines or biking or swimming. Sigh...


Nyle said...

Wow, thats so awesome. Well I have my fingers crossed for you that you can walk on Saturday.

malvs2walk said...

that's really awesome that the doc let you watch! Glad it seems to be doing the job.

I had a cyst removed from my left wrist and begged the doc to let me have a peek, but he was having nothing to do with that!

Kristen and Erik Cambridge said...

Glad the doc could help you. I hope you heal soon so you can get back to race walking. eventually you will cross over to the dark side though....You are a triathlete and you just don't know it yet. A few weeks of having to bike and swim and you will be ours. muahahaha.