Thursday, September 29, 2011


Today I was planning on 12K, but work got in the way. Long story. Anyway, I did manage 30 min on the recumbent bike at the gym, and then I biked to work as well. It was just as well, since my glutes are pretty sore from some one-legged ball squats I did yesterday. The cross-training was just the thing for that (ouch!) and hopefully tomorrow I'll feel a bit better. I would like to do the 12K in the morning, if possible. I am planning to meet Lisa at the gym at 7 am, so I'd have to finish before then, which means getting up pretty early. Worst case scenario? I'll shorten it and do a longer one on Saturday, when I have a bit more time.

It's a good thing things are flexible right now, because the rest of my life has been slightly chaotic, especially work. The good news? I asked the boss for tomorrow off so I could have a badly-needed 3-day weekend to clean my house and get the rest of my life in some semblance of order. I used to work 20 hr one week and 28 the next week (24 hr average per week), but over the last 4 weeks I've worked a lot more than previous paycheck was for 70 hours (35 hrs/wk) so you get the idea. My new schedule is going to be more like 30 hr/week, which is MUCH more do-able. That extra 5 hours makes a big difference.

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