It was really cold this morning: 8F (-13C). I wore my ski mask, but my eyelashes got all frosty and frozen from the moisture from my breath condensing on them and then freezing. The picture was taken about 30-45 seconds after I walked in the door, so the ice on my lashes, hair, hat, etc. was starting to melt, but you get the idea. I actually was only a little chilly; racewalking warms you up a lot!
I went around Liberty Park. The sidewalk is totally covered in packed snow & ice, but the park road just inside the sidewalk is dry. Fortunately, there aren't many cars there at 6:45 am.
I was really slow again today, but that was OK. I am just keeping it nice & easy - I'm finding that these shorter (5-6K) workouts with a HR about 140-145 are easier on my body than the 10Ks at HR of 150. For now, I'm just going to have to be patient with it and be glad I can be out there. One of the faculty in the department I work in is in the hospital with an infection secondary to terminal colon cancer, which puts things in perspective for me. I'm lucky to be in good enough health to racewalk at all.
Garmin connect data here.
I've been a lot more careful with my diet this week, and it feels good. I'm glad to be back in the swing of things. Hopefully I'll take off a few pounds by the time I'm feeling healthy again.
I love the photo!
wow that looks so cold!!! Great that you are still getting out there.
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