Saturday, December 29, 2012


My legs felt pretty recovered today. That is, until I started this workout! I thought I was ready to have a good workout, but honestly this one just hurt a lot and wasn't very fast.

Part of that might be that I did the workout in the afternoon, which I don't normally do. I waited for Kelly to get back so that we could do it together. I picked her and Kael up at the airport and we started our workout as soon as we could. It was still light when we started, but pretty soon it began to get dark. It was cold (27F, -3C), but I warmed up quickly and only noticed the chill on my face and a bit on my legs. Mostly, I was in too much pain to notice the cold!

After a thorough 2K warm-up, we got started. Kelly has been fighting a terrible cold, but despite that, she was a few steps ahead of me on all the intervals. She jogged on the 2nd interval because she was a bit nervous about doing all of them with her illness, but even with that she was stronger than I was today. I just didn't feel good - my legs were weak and I was breathing very hard. I just didn't have it.

Here are my interval times; note that we did this on the road (the track is under lots of snow) and that the first one was slightly downhill and the fourth one was slightly uphill. The first and the fifth intervals were on the same bit of road, so the fifth one was slightly downhill too. 5:22, 5:25, 5:31, 5:40, 5:33. You can tell from the times that I felt OK on the first two, but then I really started to hurt. Kelly encouraged me a lot, which helped quite a bit since I was fairly discouraged by how much it hurt and that I wasn't very fast for how hard I was working. My heart rate was in the low 170s at the end on the last 3 intervals.

This has been pretty hard for an easy week - not sure what is up with that, but hopefully I'll feel better in a couple days since I'm doing a half marathon on January 1st.

Garmin data here.

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