The weather was very nice. It started out in low 60s (probably about 16C) and ended up at 70F (21C). Of course, since I'm in Seattle, it was humid. However, I don't think the temperature bothered me much; I was a bit warm at the end, but not too awful.
The trail was lovely. My high school friend Glen (actually, he pointed out we've known each other since elementary school) told me that the Sammamish River Trail was perfect for what I wanted, and it was. Flat, paved, scenic, with water and bathrooms. Lots of bikers & runners using the trail, but it wasn't crowded. In fact, when I first started out just before 6 am, it was deserted and very quiet. I got a few interesting comments, as usual. From a cyclist, "That looks like so much fun!". By the time I thought to yell back "It is!", he had passed of course. A runner yelled out "speed walker" as he passed me. Some other runners said, "Wow, you're fast!". I saw lots of wildlife, too - rabbits mostly (cute!), but also lots of birds.

I started off feeling strong, and pretty much felt strong throughout, though my legs did get quite tired by the end. I think about 20K they were pretty tired, but I was able to push them and they responded, tired or not. Training is a good thing :). I'm very proud of my nice even splits. My heart rate increased throughout, correspondingly, but I didn't go harder than I knew I could handle all the way to the finish. Yes, I was pushing at the end, but it felt good and I wanted to be done. I'm very pleased with this. I am pretty sure it's my fastest 20-miler ever.
Edited to add a few details: stopped at 10K and 20K to refill my water bottles, and brief pit stop at 10K. Ate sports beans at 10K, gummy peach candies at 17.5K, and more sports beans at 25K. I had no GI problems. Yay!!!
5K 31:14
10K 1:03:02 (31:48)
15K 1:34:46 (31:44)
20K 2:06:36 (31:50)
25K 2:38:13 (31:37)
27K 2:51:01
30K 3:10:02 (31:49)
32K 3:22:22 (12:20 last 2K; 31:21 last 5K!)
Totals: 3:22:22, 6:19/km, 10:10/mile, ave HR 147. (This pace would get me 4:27:15 for the marathon, if I could hold it).
Garmin connect data here.
You are near the top of your game. It is always nice to read about someone who is in "the zone"... :-)
Whats this "if i could hold it" showed awesome consistancy I have no doubt you could hold that pace to continue on for a marathon in fact I would bet you could easily pick it up for a huge pb. :)
Well done on a great walk and what a lovely walkway to do it on.
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