Saturday, April 24, 2010


I set some goals about 6 wk ago. I didn't reach them. Perhaps they were unrealistic? I don't know, but I do know that I need to lose some weight for my races, which are now 13 weeks away. 0.5 lb/wk would put me in the right spot. I know that doesn't sound like a lot, but in my experience, that's about the fastest I can expect to lose consistently. This morning my weight was down to 149.2, which is lower than it has been; I did have a good week last week, but I think some of the apparent loss is water weight due to drinking a lot of coffee last night with dessert :). I went out with Loren, because my parents had the kids, and we enjoyed ourselves thoroughly!

New goals...what to do? I liked the sleep goal, but never seemed to be able to do it. I think it's a key to a lot of the other things, though. The problem is that I have to get up pretty early to get in some of the miles before Loren has to go to work, and then that means I have to go to bed really early and have very little down time after putting the kids to bed. Well, I guess I will just have to live without that time a few nights a week if I really want to meet my goal, which I do. And I NEED the sleep for the hard training I'm embarking on.

All right, let's keep this simple. Sleep right, eat right = Lose weight. I've got the workout part down :).

2 goals for the next 6 weeks:
1. Sleep 8 hr per night at least 4 nights per week.
2. Lose 0.5 lb/wk so that by June 5th my home scale says 146.2 or less. Can't go by the WW scale since though I went to the meeting this morning I did not weigh in - too crowded.

That's it. I am still going to reward myself if I meet these. So, let's get to it!

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