I tried to go back to sleep, but it hurt way too much. I remembered that I had some Vicodin left from last summer's Portland-to-Coast incident, so I took one and was able to get back to sleep by about 4:30. Loren was up for a couple hours, because he couldn't fall asleep either. I felt bad for waking him, but what was I to do?
I called my parents at 7:15 am, and my dad graciously came and picked up the kids so that I could go to the urgent care without Loren having to take a sick day to take care of the kids for me. The urgent care opened at 9 am, and I got in quickly, as they weren't busy yet. I'll spare you all the gory details, but I did have to have minor surgery on the toe to drain the abscess. It feels a lot better now, but I'm still not walking very well, and I think it might be a couple of days before I can even think about racewalking. I had to call & cancel my PT appt for this afternoon, too. I'm resting with my feet up this afternoon, and hopefully will be able to get to work tomorrow.
Nothing like a little unplanned adventure, is there? I'm just thankful that I have insurance and that I could get treated. I need that toe to be in good shape!
Hi Tammy -
Sorry about your toe. I'm sure you'll be up and running (walking) again in no time!
I actually have a question about piano lessons. Since I know you teach, I thought I'd ask. So, if you could email me I would love it.
Thanks in advance and sorry for being off-topic! :)
toenails: gotta love them! Glad you are feeling better; back in 2005 I had the podiatrist remove mine.
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