By the way, I have not "outed" my coach yet because I'm not sure that my coach wants to publicly claim me yet, seeing as how I'm a pretty rank amateur at the moment. I have to make sure it is OK first. But I guess it's kind of obvious that my coach is not an American, since my workouts are all in km :).
Anyway, back to the workout. I warmed up by walking to Liberty Park (2.14 km to the south middle entrance - in 13:31, for 6:19/km for the warm-up - note that it is downhill, so not really as fast as it sounds!) and then did some dynamic flexibility drills. Right piriformis is still tight :( but not bothering me too much. The drills help with that a bit and keep things looser. Then I started the fartlek. The distances are all by my Garmin, so they are bound to be off by a bit.
I did the first 1K in 5:51 (ave HR 159), then 500m medium in 3:08 (oops, a little fast, w/ave HR 157).
Then 500m fast in 2:58 with ave HR 166 (now we're getting a workout!), and 500m medium in 3:24 (ave HR 156).
Next, 500m fast in 2:54 (ave HR 167), 500m medium in 3:18 (ave HR 156),
Then 500m hard in 2:50 (! wow ! I'm getting faster! That's 5:40/km! ... and ave HR 167) and 500m medium in 3:42 (recoveries getting longer...ave HR 155)
Finally 500m fast in 2:56 (ave HR 168). That last fast one was a killer; max HR was 172 and it really HURT. AND it wasn't all that fast. Guess I got tired, but I got tired later than I would have two weeks ago, that's for sure.
Hopefully the hard workouts will start paying off in terms of faster times. These are faster than I have been doing, but not sure the Garmin is accurate enough to tell. Will be at the track Tuesday and that's the gold standard.
After the 5K fartlek, I was a little ways around the park, so I had to walk about 2.31K easy to get home. That took a long time, because it's uphill and I was tired; I did it in 17:31 at 7:36/km (very sloooow but that's fine after a hard workout like that).
I'm pleased with the workout. My foot felt totally fine during the workout and is a little sore now, 7 hours later, but I iced it and am going to take a short nap. I'm glad the foot is OK but not sure how it will take this back-to-back with the 15K I am supposed to do tomorrow. I think it will be fine...I hope.
A little surprise :). My schedule has me doing 20K on Sunday 4/18, and since the SLC Half Marathon (13.1 miles, or about 21K) is on 4/17, I decided to sign up for it. A half marathon? Am I crazy? Nope. I am going to do it EASY, and I really will. I realize that to do it fast might hurt my foot, and besides, I can't do it fast - I am nowhere near trained to go fast at that distance. I just thought it would be more fun to do an easy half marathon with lots of spectators than to do the easy 20K by myself the next day. Some of my friends are doing the race, and I really enjoy that course, so what the heck. Why not?!? I signed up today. Even an easy pace should land me at the finish in about 2:24, in plenty of time to see Calvin do his 1K race at 10:45 am (the 1/2 starts at 7:00 am).
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