Thursday, August 23, 2012

not quite 10K

Sorry coach. I got up a bit late, plus it was the first day of school. I didn't quite have time for 10K. Besides, it was quite warm (73F) and rather humid and it felt nasty...and after about 7km my body had enough. I started pretty fast, but by the end was crawling. No matter.

Total: 8.38km in 50:59 for 6:05/km with ave HR 148.

Garmin data here.


Up late packing for Portland-to-Coast. Tomorrow am: x-train then catch the flight to Portland! The race is Friday and Saturday; I have legs 20 and 32 on the Racewalkers Northwest team. I have no idea how much internet access I'll I'll post later if I can. If not, I'll post when I return on Sunday.


BBS said...

I live in SLC and came across your blog while google-ing 'race walking'. I am interested in learning how to race walk. How did you learn the technique?


Tammy said...

Hi Beth!

I learned the technique from 1) a racewalking clinic held here in SLC in 2007, and 2) from the Wasatch Walkers, our local club. See Feel free to e-mail me at tammy (at) so we can talk! :) Glad you found me! We have an active club that would love to teach you some racewalking.