Sunday, March 13, 2011

very slow, but back at it

After not exercising all week, I just had to get out and racewalk. It's going to take a while to get back in shape again after my latest setback...ugh. Hopefully I have enough time before the World Masters in July. Well, I will just do what I can to get as fast as I can, and that's all I can do. I have to say that this morning's performance was fairly pathetic, but I suppose that is to be expected.

I did the 6.3K Liberty Park route in 44:42, for a paltry 7:04/km. But average HR was 152, so I was working hard enough. I shouldn't be too hard on myself, as that is all my body will do right now. That will change, and I'll be back. It's just going to take some time, which is the one thing I don't have enough of. Too many setbacks this winter; very frustrating.


Harriet said...

You know this, but remember getting to the start line injury free is your number 1 priority. Remember to try to not regain it all at one time.

Nyle said...

I totally agree with Harriet. One step at a time. No point busting ya gut and having more set backs. Enjoy the build up .. your body knows all this, muscles have memories and you will be back in no time. You have a great base fitness I know you will be super surprised how fast it will come back......

and on a happy note..... You will be having two house guests while in Sacramento!!!!! a Kiwi and an Aussie....