Thursday, April 23, 2009

workout update

Wednesday - stationary bike to warm up for a good hard weight training workout. It was challenging and felt great. Then I came home and RAN (not RW) on the treadmill for about 15 min. I'm trying to build up my running a little to be able to run more w/the team if needed. My IT band was mostly OK but hurt a bit about 13-14 min in; I RW for a minute and then ran some more and made it w/o further incident. Hopefully I'll be able to gradually do a little more as needed.

Today - did 6.5 miles easy racewalking in 1 hr 10 min, and felt very good. The weather was AMAZING - 56F at 6:30 am so I wore shorts and T-shirt. I did not take the dogs, after what happened on Tuesday. I really enjoyed being out there this morning, and the spring flowers were incredible. The number of shades of tulips is wonderful, and I confess to being in love with the preternaturally bright shade of green on new tree leaves. It was gorgeous. I'm so glad I have a sport that involves being outside on days like today. My right hip is still a bit sore but I do think it is gradually improving. Tennis ball massage is helping a LOT - I stand and put the ball on a wall and then push back against it in just the right spot to make it hurt so good :). I think I'll go do that again now...

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