Thursday, April 09, 2009

cold & rainy

It was 38 and raining pretty hard when I woke up, so I immediately decided that the treadmill was a better choice than outside. I will have to be outside on Saturday and it's supposed to rain on us for the 14 miles of the summer team's TNT workout, so I opted in favor of staying dry this morning.

Good choice. My right hip was nagging me a bit (not too bad) so I stopped every 20 min to use the foam roller (ahhhh... hurts so good!). You can't do THAT when you go outside! I also listened to some podcasts my brother had given me on a CD for my birthday, and watched the news. When the kids woke up, we switched the channel to PBS Kids so they could be entertained. It's such a relief that Michelle is almost 3 and can sit and watch TV in a pinch if I need to get something done. I'm not in favor of TV as a babysitter, and I limit their TV time to nothing most days, and 30-60 minutes when I really need a break (i.e. when cooking and they are screaming!).

Anyway, I did something like 6.8 miles in 75 minutes, which works out to just a little over 11 minute miles. I am pretty sure my treadmill is not calibrated quite right - my heart rate was in the low to mid 140s for most of that time, and outside I would have been doing probably 10:30-10:40 miles at that effort. Whatever! Doesn't matter too much. It was a nice steady workout, I stayed dry, and I got to stretch a lot. Tomorrow is my weight training class, and I'll be taking it easy so that I save my hip for Saturday. If it's not feeling better next week I'll probably call my PT for an appointment. That's one thing I learned from the ITB episode - give it attention right away rather than waiting.

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