I hoped I could go farther today, but I'm so darn de-conditioned, endurance-wise. Sigh....
I'm in Mesquite, Nevada, with my friend Sarah for a girls' weekend away. It's awesome :). It's usually about 20 degrees warmer here than in Salt Lake, and right now it's so lovely. It was definitely shorts weather for my walk at 50F (10C) but rapidly warming to 55-60ish, calm, and clear and so much sun :).
The drive down here was surprisingly OK on my hamstring (5 hr drive) at the time, but this morning it was sore, probably from the drive I assume. I was very apprehensive about RW. I started out and the pain was probably a 2/10 and I was very concerned, but I thought I needed to give it a few km, and the pain lessened to 1/10 and didn't really bother me much. Whew. The bigger problem was that my legs got really tired around 7-8km and so at 10K I knew I should call it quits before I did strain something trying to go longer. Geez. :(. But since I still want to do the SL Half Marathon in a couple weeks, I knew I needed a bit more work, so I did 33 min on elliptical + bike. Would've done longer but the hammy started to hurt on the bike (?what?!?) so I quit. It feels totally fine now (after a shower and breakfast) so I don't know what was going on. I got a total of about 1:40 of exercise so that's something.
The 10K was slowish at 1:06:38 for 6:40/km but my HR was nice and low at 138. Haven't lost all my fitness, just some endurance. It'll come back.

very very cute! Here's a photo of the goats and also one of some giant concrete Lego blocks.
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