Monday, February 03, 2014


Super quick 2 min blog.

Yesterday: yoga DVD. AWESOME! It was so fantastic. Lots of great strength moves targeting all the key muscles I need to work on. Great. It's called Christine Felstead's yoga for runners, intermediate level. My brother recommended it and now I do too. I plan to do this a lot. Side effect: I'm a bit sore today :) but in a good way.

Today: 8K with 3x3' bursts. Cold but clear at 25F. Went well. I felt great and strong all the way to 7K or so and my bursts were good. 3:02, then 3:00 for 500m and the last burst was the best - so proud of it! - at 2:53. Ha! Take that, fatigue! The last year has been crappy but this workout was decent and shows I'm on the mend. After that it was uphill and I did slow a lot but not a big deal. The other great thing is that I can really feel my technique is getting solid and improving. I hope that is true when I videotape, but I feel a huge difference.

Garmin data here: 50:54 for 8K (6:21/km) with ave HR 151. You can see where the bursts were on the HR graph :).

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