Photo: Katie & I at the finish
After my disappointing 4:59:49 at Nike last year, I have been wanting to do another marathon to prove to myself that I could do better. And after losing to Katie by 1 sec in the 5K and 7 seconds in the 10K at the National Master's Championships in Spokane last summer, I thought another race with her would be a lot of fun and an amazing challenge. It was!
I'm tired so here it is in a nutshell:
Good weather (overcast & about 45-55 degrees). Uneventful start. Saw Katie at mile 1.5 (she passed me, and I let her go, not wanting to go faster than I was). My time at the 1/2 marathon was 2:18:44; I'd planned on a 2:20 at the half but felt good so pushed the pace a little so I could try to stay closer to Katie (couldn't see her though). Hill up the bridge wasn't as bad as I thought; yeah, it was hard, but I did fine. The view was amazing up there, too. Was getting worried then finally saw Katie at mile 19. Stayed with her (close, maybe 10-20 feet?) until mile 21; she saw me about then and sped up. I sped up too, and we were together until mile 23 when I finally decided to just lay it all out there and pass her. I did mile 23-24 in something crazy like 10:02 (have to download Garmin data to be sure - will do in the morning) and did not look back until mile 24, and then could not see Katie. Was dying, so tired, but nervous she'd catch me so just hung on for dear life doing probably a 10:43 and 10:50 for miles 24-25 and 25-26, then 2:25(?) on the slight uphill for the 0.2. SO excited to cross the finish and know I'd won!!! Time 4:38:27 on my watch; 4:44:xx gun time (which is how the racewalk results are reported on the website).
I waited for Katie to finish, and she finished in 4:46:xx, just 2 minutes behind me. She was SO gracious and we enjoyed hanging out and getting food, then sitting together and chatting and eating. She won the Master's female RW and I won the Open division. That is, if they ever figure out my results - they are NOT on the website because of an error somewhere. I think maybe my chip malfunctioned. Katie sent me a VERY kind e-mail saying she'd go to bat for me and make sure they got my results up there. WOW. What a friend! We both agreed that we NEVER would have gone so fast at the end if it were not for the other person being there to push us; and we both got new PRs. Awesome
Additional race photos AND video :) here.
Way to go. I knew you would do great and to win the Open...that's fantastic. I can see your grin and I bet it stays there for weeks. So proud for rest your feet for a couple of days. I think you have deserved a break.
Wow, Tammy! That was so much fun to read... I know you have more to say, but I guess winning the marathon has to sink in! Like Nyle says, you deserve to rest for a couple of days!
Huge congratulations!
Well done, Tammy!
YES! Yes yes yes yes! You did it - congratulations! I bet it felt great - to know and hope you could do it is one thing - to DO it is another! Way to go and enjoy your win. :-)
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