It was REALLY HOT this morning. 82F (27.8C) and overcast, and then the sun came out about 2K into the race. Ughhhhhh. I drank a bunch of water before the race, a sip or two during, and dumped some over my head before, during, and after. But the heat slowed me down. That, and lack of training. I was pathetically slow. This race is never fast, as it has a few hills, but it's not usually THIS slow.

Even Calvin was slow - he was 4 min slower than last year (reflects lack of training on his part too). At least I was only about a minute slower than last year, I think.
The good news? My heart rate was not that high - in fact, it averaged 158, so obviously I had a bit more to give (if it hadn't been so hot). Clearly I'm recovering from my latest bout of fatigue and perhaps things will be looking up.
Pep talk to self: I will not remain slow. I'm feeling better, and hopefully can begin training hard again and do well at Portland-to-Coast.
I did enjoy the race; it was fun being there with Calvin and with my friends Diane, Dawna, and Nancy from the Wasatch Walkers.
Total time 30:39 (official). Sad.
Garmin data here.
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