We went wine tasting in Napa yesterday - great fun!
Today: easy 20' with strides. Nyle talked me into wearing my new sports bra for the workout. I was a bit self-conscious as I never go out in just a sports bra, but she told me it was OK :). Here's a photo!
We did 3.34 (Nyle's watch) or 3.42 km (my watch) for an average of 6:10/km (hers) or 6:01/km (mine) with 3 strides thrown in. Fun! So so so very very very very nice to walk with someone my pace. Excellent! David had cross-training so he jogged alongside of us. We chatted it up and had a great time :). Garmin connect data here.
I'm getting mentally ready for the race. Yesterday I was not confident, but today I'm feeling better. I feel that I'm ready and I feel strong. I can do this! Positive self-talk today and tomorrow is the plan.
Actually, you look quite normal (athletically speaking) in your bra; in fact it shows off your waistline. You really are in "fighting trim".
You and me both, sister! We can DO this! I keep telling myself, "just get through the first race". I think we'll feel much better once we get tomorrow over with. Then we'll know what more to expect. Just think! Tomorrow we finally get to race against each other! Can you believe its in a huge WORLD event! lol!
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