I was originally supposed to do 3k/2k/4x500m today, but because my foot is still aching, my coach switched today's and Thursday's workouts. So today I did 6x400m at 85% effort, and Thursday I'll do the longer one, assuming that my foot is feeling OK. It's not actually hurting so much as it just feels achy/odd. Jim thinks it might just be a little scar tissue getting irritated or something. I think he's probably right, but it's good to baby it anyway just in case it's something more.
I warmed up at the track with 1600m, as usual. Today I really tried to kick it up on the last lap because I knew I was doing 400s, and wanted to be adequately warmed-up. It took me 10:06 w/ave HR 140. Not bad. Then I did my dynamic flexibility drills.
It was warm this morning - about 70F (21C), and I was glad I was doing the 400s and not the 3k/2k/4x500m. At least with the 400s they are over with quickly and temperature is not as much of a factor. After my second 400, the sun came up over the mountains and it felt much warmer.
This workout felt pretty easy after the hard ones I've had. 400s can be hard if you do a lot, but six is not that many, and so it just felt good. Yeah, my legs were a little tired on the last one, but basically I felt fine. Here are my times: 2:12, 2:11, 2:10, 2:11, 2:10, 2:10. Ave HR ranged from 147-157; max 159-170. I felt like I gave more like 90% on some of those than 85%. Hard to say...I'm not good at measuring 85% vs 90% or 95% effort. I know that the last 100-200m of some of them felt pretty hard, in a good way.
My foot was a bit achy during the workout, in the usual spot for the peroneus longus tendonitis (left foot) that I was dealing with last fall & winter. Often it will bother me more later in the day after a hard session; today so far it just feels about the same. I'm taking that as a good sign. Of course, it's only lunch time, so we'll see how it is later in the day. I'm optimistic that it will be all right.
Oh, almost forgot...splits, etc. on Garmin connect are here.
Nice workout...my guess is that foot will continue to bother you but gradually fade over time (6 months? year?)
nice workout Tammy. Trust in Jim he really does know his stuff. He is highly spoken of within the Racewalk sector :0)
I really hope you foot heals and stops niggling you over time. I have a simular injury in my archiles/calf...its just enough to annoy.
Keep up the fantastic training. I so cant wait to hear how you did at the Masters event you have coming up.
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