Nine club members came to race, and one came to cheer us on. We met at Liberty Park and did 2x around the park (1.4 miles each) and finished the last 0.3 to end in the middle of the park.
I warmed up a little and did some stretches while waiting for my turn to start. I was the last to start; 18 minutes and change after the first person to start. It was a bit intimidating to have so much of a lead to make up. The woman who went first is our newest club member, and she's improving rapidly. In fact, she was 3:41 faster today than at our last 5K! Needless to say, she won the race today. I like the handicap races because they do favor the walkers who are still improving rapidly, giving them encouragement and a needed boost to their nascent walking careers.
I had a very good race. I did mile 1 in 9:18 with an average HR of 159. I was trying to be fast but save something for the end. Then I did mile 2 in a perfectly consistent 9:18. I felt I still had something left, though I was tiring. Starting on mile 3 I really gave it my all, and the last 1.1 I did in 10:11 (a 9:06/mile pace!). I was really breathing very hard that last 1.1, and struggling to pass someone, anyone. I did pass Diane, but she was walking quite slowly, and as I went by I asked "Are you OK?" (how I squeaked out that question I don't know, as I was pushing so hard!). She said "no" and at the finish she told me her glutes on one side were extremely sore. She is signed up for Seattle RNR 1/2 marathon on Saturday so I hope she is able to do it :( :( :(. I also passed Leah, who had a good, fast race, and finished just behind me. But I was not able to pass any of the other 6 walkers, and so I came in 7th. Total time by my watch was 29:47 (official time was 29:49 somehow... close enough I guess), only 11 seconds slower than my PR for the distance, and either my 2nd or 3rd fastest 5K (can't remember but think maybe the Murray Fun Days last July 4th was a bit faster? I could look it up on here but too lazy).
I am quite happy with the race, 7th or not, because I was FAST today! The other walkers in the club were even faster, which is awesome. I think most were quite pleased with their times, except for Diane. I called her later and she was feeling a bit better, but was still hurting.
After the race, I rushed over to Sugar House Park for the TNT workout, the subject of my next post :).
More photos here.
Full results here.
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