Been a little busy so let me update you as to our goings-on.
Sunday: 3.94 easyish miles around Liberty Park; a bit stiff from Saturday and thought I'd be slow, but averaged a 10:34 mile pace with ave HR of only 135! Pretty fast for that HR!
Monday: Weight training in the morning. Then in the late afternoon, Kat (former co-worker) and I ran/hiked up to the Living Room together. It was quite a sight w/the storm brewing. It was very windy and a bit cold, but we managed the 2.43 mile (by Garmin) round-trip in 48:30; the elevation change was 1000 feet each way (wow!) in that distance. My heart rate averaged 145 on the way up, for 18:56/mile. Yeah, it was steep. We went down more slowly than we came up, though, because the footing was not easy and I'm kind of a hiking wuss.
Here are more pics on Flickr.
Tuesday: Track workout. Yasso 800s. Hey, does anyone know if these are predictive of how fast you can RW a marathon just as they are for running? I'd guess the answer is yes, but I'd like to know, because I was pretty fast today! (For the uninitiated, Bart Yasso of Runner's World is known for 800m repeats; he says if you can do about 8-10 of these at a certain pace, e.g. 4 min 35 sec in my case, that predicts a 4 hr 35 min marathon). Anyway, after a warm-up and stretching, I did 6x800 (not that many, I know - but I will do more as the season progresses) in 4:36, 4:32, 4:33, 4:37, 4:31, 4:31. Despite feeling pretty sluggish (not enough sleep) and having a bit of soreness from last night's hike, I surprised myself with the fast pace that I did these at. I am sure I could have cranked out a few more at 4:36-4:38 if I had to. So... maybe a 4:35 or 4:40 is possible this fall in Portland? I'd like to think so :).
Happy me! I was down 1.2 lb at Weight Watchers again, for the 2nd week in a row. Morning weight still around 146-147 but hopefully we'll get it down to 143-145 and keep it there by fall.
Yasso 800 meter: this is nothing more than 800s at 5K pace; if you do the conversion (with the (d2/d1)^1.06 slow down formula from running) you get your predicted marathon time.
The slow down is less (d2/d1)^1.04 for walking.
Also these formulas are NOT predictive; this is correlation and NOT causation.
Thanks, Ollie... yes, you are right, of course, that it is correlation not causation. Good point.
I thought Yasso 800s were more like 10k pace. Mine this morning were in between 5k pace (4:28) and 10K pace (4:42). Anyway, close enough for a good workout :).
The (d2/d1)^1.04 predicts a 4:23 marathon from both my 5K best of 28:36 and 10K best of 58:43 (flat; 57:57 PR was downhill), and 4:31 from my half marathon best of 2:11:57. Hmmmm. 4:23 seems waaaaaay too fast to me (it's less than my 1/2 marathon PR doubled!), and 4:31 might be possible, maybe... but probably not w/bathroom stops that I don't need to take in a 1/2 marathon.
Sorry, I haven't checked in for awhile. Only a few months till Portland! You're going to love it and for sure you will PR it.
Its a much easier course than SF
Thanks, Steve... um, no need to apologize for not checking in... I seem to remember you've been in the hospital or something?!? Glad you are out and up to reading blogs again :).
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